Rejuvenation is a medical discipline focused on the practical reversal of the aging process.
Rejuvenation is distinct from life extension. Life extension strategies often study the causes of aging and try to oppose those causes in order to slow aging. Rejuvenation is the reversal of aging and thus requires a different strategy, namely repair of the damage that is associated with aging or replacement of damaged tissue with new tissue. Rejuvenation can be a means of life extension, but most life extension strategies do not involve rejuvenation.
Various myths tell the stories about the quest for rejuvenation. It was believed that magic or intervention of a supernatural power can bring back youth and many mythical adventurers set out on a journey to do that, for themselves, their relatives or some authority that sent them anonymously.
An ancient Chinese emperor actually sent out ships of young men and women to find a pearl that would rejuvenate him. This led to a myth among modern Chinese that Japan was founded by these people.
In some religions, people were to be rejuvenated after death prior to placing them in heaven.
The stories continued well into the 16th century. The Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León led an expedition around the Caribbean islands and into Florida to find the Fountain of Youth. Led by the rumors, the expedition continued the search and many perished. The Fountain was nowhere to be found as locals were unaware of its exact location.
Since the emergence of philosophy, sages and self-proclaimed wizards always made enormous efforts to find the secret of youth, both for themselves and for their noble patrons and sponsors. It was widely believed that some potions may restore the youth.
Another commonly cited approach was attempting to transfer the essence of youth from young people to old. Some examples of this approach were sleeping with virgins or children (sometimes literally sleeping, not necessarily having sex), bathing in or drinking their blood.
The quest for rejuvenation reached its height with alchemy.
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L'élixir de longue vie (Elixir Vitae) est une potion ou une boisson légendaire qui aurait la vertu de prolonger indéfiniment la vie ou de conserver indéfiniment sa jeunesse. La recherche d'un tel élixir est un des buts de l'alchimie. Plusieurs mythologies présentent une telle potion. On retiendra par exemple les mythes de Hénoch, Idunn, Thot et Hermès Trismégiste, qui en auraient consommé. Il apparaît dans un des textes de Nag Hammadi.
Le vieillissement est l'ensemble des modifications fonctionnelles diminuant progressivement l'aptitude d'un objet, d'une information ou d'un organisme à assurer ses fonctions dans le temps. Dans le cas d'un organisme vivant (être humain par exemple), la plupart des cellules et organes ont une durée de vie maximale génétiquement programmée, mais ce processus peut être accéléré par divers stress subis in utero ou durant la vie - qui conduisent le plus souvent cet organisme à ne plus assurer son équilibre physiologique, ce qui le mène à la mort.
La science du prolongement de la durée de vie humaine, parfois aussi appelée médecine anti-âge est l'étude du ralentissement, de l'arrêt ou de l'inversion des processus de vieillissement pour prolonger la durée de vie maximale et moyenne chez l'homme. En 2018, un essai clinique a révélé que des médicaments anti-vieillissement expérimentaux peuvent protéger les personnes âgées contre des infections respiratoires potentiellement mortelles en rajeunissant leur système immunitaire.
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