This course introduces frameworks, concepts and tools to understand the economic dimensions of the world we live in. The course includes applications to real-world situations and events. Assessment is
This course presents a first introduction to microeconomic theory and its applications. It lays the foundation for more advanced courses.
Over the past decade, supply chain management has drawn enormous attention by industry and academia alike. Given an increasingly global economy, pronounced trends towards outsourcing and advances in i
This course provides an overview of the theory of asset pricing and portfolio choice theory following historical developments in the field and putting
emphasis on theoretical models that help our unde
The goal of this course is to understand the key role that marketing could be playing when firms seek to develop sustainable strategies : a positive force of change. This, however, will require a subs
This course provides students with a working knowledge of macroeconomic models that explicitly incorporate financial markets. The goal is to develop a broad and analytical framework for analyzing the
Introduction to economic analysis applied to environmental issues: all the necessary basic concepts, including cost-benefit analysis, for environmental policy making and its instruments (examples: cli
This is a PhD course on recursive methods used in modern macroeconomics. Recursive
representations of macroeconomic models are useful because they are parsimonious and allow
the computer to be used to
This course presents the microeconomic approach to banking
Solving the problems of energy planning : demand forecasting, evaluation of supply matrixes, probabilistic evaluation of demand/supply adequacy, multi-criteria assessment of medium and long term energ