Empiric therapy or empirical therapy is medical treatment or therapy based on experience and, more specifically, therapy begun on the basis of a clinical "educated guess" in the absence of complete or perfect information. Thus it is applied before the confirmation of a definitive medical diagnosis or without complete understanding of an etiology, whether the biological mechanism of pathogenesis or the therapeutic mechanism of action. The name shares the same stem with empirical evidence, involving an idea of practical experience.
Empiric antimicrobial therapy is directed against an anticipated and likely cause of infectious disease. It is used when antimicrobials are given to a person before the specific bacterium or fungus causing an infection is known. When it becomes known, treatment that is used is called directed therapy. Fighting an infection sooner rather than later is important to minimize morbidity, risk, and complications for serious infections like sepsis and suspected bacterial meningitis.
Empiric antimicrobial therapy is typically broad-spectrum, in that it treats both a multitude of either Gram-positive and/or Gram-negative bacteria, diverse fungi or parasites respectively. When more information is known (as from a blood culture), treatment may be changed to a narrow-spectrum antimicrobial which more specifically targets the bacterium or fungus known to be causing disease. Empiric antimicrobial therapy is a fairly sophisticated process which includes considering data such as a person's age, immune status, comorbidities, likelihood for a certain microbial etiology and pre-test probability for antimicrobial resistance prior to therapy, risk of bad outcomes, and to name a few.
Specimens are collected from affected body sites, preferably before antibiotics are given. For example, a person in an intensive care unit may develop a hospital-acquired pneumonia. There is a chance the causal bacteria, or its sensitivity to antibiotics, may be different to community-acquired pneumonia.
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La est une maladie caractérisée par une inflammation des méninges, les enveloppes du névraxe (encéphale et moelle spinale). Cette inflammation peut être due à une infection par un virus ou une bactérie par exemple, et moins souvent par un médicament. La méningite peut menacer le pronostic vital en raison de la proximité immédiate de l'encéphale ; il s'agit d'une urgence. C'est essentiellement le fait des méningites bactériennes, plus rares, tandis que les méningites virales, plus fréquentes, sont en principe bénignes.
vignette|Flacons d'hémoculture Une hémoculture (abrégé couramment en « hémoc' ») est un examen sanguin essentiel en infectiologie. Il consiste en un prélèvement de sang veineux, qui est ensuite mis en culture afin d'y rechercher des microorganismes. Il est effectué si possible avant la mise en route d'une antibiothérapie. On réalise en général 3 prélèvements différents, à quelques heures d'intervalle, effectués si possible au moment d'un pic d'hyperthermie ou d'hypothermie ou lors de frissons qui signent une décharge bactériémique.
Le terme bactérie est un nom vernaculaire qui désigne certains organismes vivants microscopiques et procaryotes présents dans tous les milieux. Le plus souvent unicellulaires, elles sont parfois pluricellulaires (généralement filamenteuses), la plupart des espèces bactériennes ne vivant pas individuellement en suspension, mais en communautés complexes adhérant à des surfaces au sein d'un gel muqueux (biofilm). vignette|200px|Coques à gauche, Spirillum au centre, bacille à droite.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are amongst the most common bacterial infections and are the second-most frequent reason for antibiotic prescriptions. Moreover, in about 25% of all treated cases, recurrence of infection occurs. Uropathogenic Escherichia co ...
Host attachment is often a critical step in the onset of pathogenesis. To attach to host cells, bacteria have evolved a range of adhesins that bind to specific receptors. Some of these adhesins have been thoroughly characterized using biochemical technique ...
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Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) proliferate within superficial bladder umbrella cells to form intracellular bacterial communities (IBCs) during early stages of urinary tract infections. However, the dynamic responses of IBCs to host stresses and anti ...