
Data file

A data file is a which stores data to be used by a computer application or system, including input and output data. A data file usually does not contain instructions or code to be executed (that is, a computer program). Most of the computer programs work with data files. Types of data files Data files can be stored in two ways:
  • Text files;
  • Binary files.
Text files A text file (also called ASCII files) stores information in ASCII characters. A text file contains human-readable characters. A user can read the contents of a text file or edit it using a text editor. In text files, each line of text is terminated, (delimited) with a special character known as EOL (End of Line) character. In text files some internal translations take place when this EOL character is read or written. Examples of text files *A text document (often .txt) Binary files A binary file is a file that contains information in the same format in which the information is held i
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