Alaeddine El FawalSince June, 2010, Alaeddine is the Head of IT at EPFL Middle East. Previously, he was a senior researcher at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) in Switzerland. He earned his PhD in communication systems in July 2009 from EPFL, where he worked with Prof. Jean-Yves Le Boudec. He received his DEA in networking in 2002 and his MSc degree in 2001, both from the Lebanese University. He carried out his DEA thesis in the Planète team, INRIA Sophia Antipolis France, and the master thesis at LCST (Laboratoire des Composants et des Systèmes de Télécommunications), INSA Rennes France.
Anja SkrivervikAnja Skrivervik obtained her electrical engineering degree from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 1986, and her PhD from the same institution in 1992, for which she received the Latsis award. After a stay at the University of Rennes as an invited Research Fellow and two years in the industry, she returned part time to EPFL as an Assistant Professor in 1996, and is now a Professeur Titulaire at this institution, where she is the head of the Microwave and Antenna Group. Her research activities include electrically small antennas, antennas in biological media, periodic structures, reflect- and tranmitarrays, and numerical techniques for electromagnetics. She is author or co-author of more than 200 peer reviewed scientific publications. Her teaching activities include courses on microwaves and antennas, and she has course at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels. She was director of the EE section form 1996-2000, and is currently the director of the EE doctoral school at EPFL.
She is very active in European collaboration and European projects. She was the chairperson of the Swiss URSI until 2012, is a Board member of the European School on Antennas and is frequently requested to review research programs and centers in Europe. She is a member of the board of directors of the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) since 2017.
Martin HaslerAfter a PhD and a postdoc in theoretical physics, Martin Hasler has pursued reasearch in electrical circuit and filter theory. His current interests are the applications of nonlinear dynamics in engineering and biology. In particular, he is interested in information processing in biological and technological networks. He is most well-known for his work in communications using chaos and in synchronization of networks of dynamical systems.
He joined EPFL in 1974, became a titular professor in 1984 and a full professor in 1998. In 2002, he was acting Dean of the School of Computer and Communication Sciences. He was elected Fellow of the IEEE in 1993. He was the general chair of ISCAS 2000 in Geneva. He was Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions in Circuits and Systems from 1991 to 1993 and Editor-in-Chief from 1993 to 1995. He was elected vice-president for Technical Activities of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society from 2002 to 2005. He is a member of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
David Atienza AlonsoDavid Atienza Alonso is an associate professor of EE and director of the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at EPFL, Switzerland. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in computer science and engineering from UCM, Spain, and IMEC, Belgium, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. His research interests include system-level design methodologies for multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) servers and edge AI architectures. Dr. Atienza has co-authored more than 350 papers, one book, and 12 patents in these previous areas. He has also received several recognitions and award, among them, the ICCAD 10-Year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award in 2020, Design Automation Conference (DAC) Under-40 Innovators Award in 2018, the IEEE TCCPS Mid-Career Award in 2018, an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2016, the IEEE CEDA Early Career Award in 2013, the ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award in 2012, and a Faculty Award from Sun Labs at Oracle in 2011. He has also earned two best paper awards at the VLSI-SoC 2009 and CST-HPCS 2012 conference, and five best paper award nominations at the DAC 2013, DATE 2013, WEHA-HPCS 2010, ICCAD 2006, and DAC 2004 conferences. He serves or has served as associate editor of IEEE Trans. on Computers (TC), IEEE Design & Test of Computers (D&T), IEEE Trans. on CAD (T-CAD), IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (T-SUSC), and Elsevier Integration. He was the Technical Program Chair of DATE 2015 and General Chair of DATE 2017. He served as President of IEEE CEDA in the period 2018-2019 and was GOLD member of the Board of Governors of IEEE CASS from 2010 to 2012. He is a Distinguished Member of ACM and an IEEE Fellow.
Emre TelatarI. Emre Telatar received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 1986. He received the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1988 and 1992 respectively. In 1992, he joined the Communications Analysis Research Department at AT&T Bell Laboratories (later Lucent Technologies), Murray Hill, NJ. He has been at the EPFL since 2000.
Emre Telatar was the recipient of the IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award in 2001. He was a program co-chair for the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory in 2002, and associate editor for Shannon Theory for the IEEE Information Theory Transactions from 2001 to 2004. He was awarded the EPFL Agepoly teaching prize in 2005.
Emre Telatar's research interests are in communication and information theories.
Olivier LévêqueOlivier Lévêque est né en Suisse en 1971. Il a reçu le diplôme d'ingénieur-physicien de l'EPFL en 1995 et obtenu le doctorat au Département de Mathématiques de l'EPFL en 2001. Depuis lors, il travaille au Laboratoire de Théorie de l'Information à l' EPFL. Il a passé l'année académique 2006-2007 au Département d'Electricité de l'Université de Stanford, où il a été nommé chargé de cours. Ses domaines d'intérêt comprennent la théorie de l'information, les matrices aléatoires et les équations aux dérivées partielles stochastiques.
Bixio RimoldiBixio Rimoldi received the Dipl. El.-Ing degree as well as the Dr. ès Sciences degree from the ETHZ, Switzerland. Since 1997, he holds a full professor position at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL and he is the director of EPFL's Mobile Communications Laboratory (LCM). Prior to joining EPFL, he was in the faculty of the Electrical Engineering department of Washington University.
In 1993, he received a US National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award. In 2000, he was elected to the grade of Fellow of the IEEE. During the period 2002-2009 he has been on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society, where he served in several offices including President. He was co-chairman with Bruce Hajek of the 1995 IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Information Theory, Multiple Access, and Queueing (St Louis, MO), and co-chairman with Jim Massey of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium in Information Theory (Lausanne, Switzerland). He has been a member of the editorial board of "Foundations and Trends on Communications and Information Theory," and was an editor of the European Transactions on Telecommunications. During 2005 and 2006 he was the Director of EPFL's Bachelor program in Communication Systems.
His interests are in various aspects of digital communications, information theory, and software-defined radio.