ME-705: Experimental GeomechanicsThe aim of the course is to provide the students with a detailed description of the modern experimental techniques for testing geomaterials. Techniques and apparatuses are presented to test materials
CIVIL-308: Rock mechanicsLes étudiants comprennent le comportement mécanique de la roche intacte, des joints et des massifs rocheux et savent déterminer les facteurs influençant un projet. Ils savent utiliser les méthodes app
CIVIL-530: Slope stabilityThe course aims at providing future civil engineers with a comprehensive view on soil slope stability. It addresses landslide types and mass movement classification; slope failure mechanisms and metho
CIVIL-402: GeomechanicsThe course covers engineering applications and challenges in geomechanics, including stress-strain behavior of geomaterials in variousconditions, triaxial testing,and constitutive frameworks for elast
CIVIL-211: GeologyLes ingénieurs civils exercent leurs activités en constante interaction avec le sous-sol.
Le cours de géologie donne aux étudiants les bases en Géosciences nécessaires à une ingénierie bien intégrée d
CIVIL-423: Computational geomechanicsThe goal of this course is to introduce the student to modern numerical methods for the solution of coupled & non-linear problems arising in geo-mechanics / geotechnical engineering.
ENV-222: Soil sciencesLe cours est une introduction aux Sciences du sol. Il a pour but de présenter les principales caractéristiques, propriétés et fonctions des sols. Il fait appel à des notions théoriques mais également
CIVIL-411: Dam engineeringDams are paramount for human development around the world. The course is an introduction to the fascinating domain of dam engineering, from design to construction, for water storage and regulated supp