CH-426: Artificial photosynthesisThis class is intended to make students familiar with dye sensitized solar cells. It presents the principle of design and rationalize the influence of various components on the power conversion effici
ChE-407: Electrochemical engineeringThis course builds upon the underlying theory in thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, and transport and applies these methods to electrosynthesis, fuel cell, and battery applications. Special focus is p
MSE-101(a): Materials:from chemistry to propertiesCe cours permet l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimique en liaison avec les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, électri
CH-160(b): General chemistryCet enseignement vise l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimiques. Le cours et les exercices fournissent la méthodologie
PHYS-452: Radiation detectionThe course presents the detection of ionizing radiation in the keV and MeV energy ranges. Physical processes of radiation/matter interaction are introduced. All steps of detection are covered, as well
CH-442: Photochemistry IThis course presents the theoretical bases of electronic spectroscopy and molecular photophysics. The principles of the reactivity of excited states of molecules and solids under irradiation are detai
MSE-431: Physical chemistry of polymeric materialsThe student has a basic understanding of the physical and physicochemical principles which result from the chainlike structure of synthetic macromolecules. The student can predict major characteristic
MSE-209: Transfer phenomena in materials scienceCe cours porte sur le transfert de la chaleur par conduction, convection et rayonnement, ainsi que sur la diffusion à l'état solide. D'après les règles phénoménologiques (Equations de Fourrier et Fick