
Outline of spirituality

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to spirituality: Spirituality may refer to an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality, an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being, or the "deepest values and meanings by which people live." Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; spiritual experience includes that of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self; with other individuals or the human community; with nature or the cosmos; or with the divine realm. Paranormal Extra-sensory perception Near-death experience Parapsychology (Paraphysics) Anomalous cognition Claims of parapsychology History of parapsychology Precognition Psychokinesis Remote viewing Uri Geller Philosophy Epistemology Ethics Free will Idealism Materialism Metaphysics Mechanism Mind-body dualism Mind-body problem Nondualism Noumenon Phenomenalism Phenomenon Philosophy of mind Philosophy of religion Philosophy of science Reductionism Spiritualism Skepticism Truth Vitalism Religion Agnosticism Animism Atheism Cult Faith Gnosticism God Goddess Higher consciousness Monotheism Mythology Neo-Pantheism New religious movement Pantheism Polytheism Prayer Religious naturalism Soul Spiritism Spiritual being Science Altered state of consciousness Brain Chaos theory Chemistry Cognitive psychology Consciousness Magical thinking Neuropsychology Odic force Paraphysics Parapsychology Physics Pseudoscience Psychiatry Psychology Quantum mechanics Superstition Unconscious mind Spirituality Esotericism Ietsism Karma Meditation Merkabah Mysticism New Age Occultism Reincarnation Subtle body Eckankar Harold Klemp Quan Yin Method Suma Ching Hai Sant Mat Baba Sawan Singh Radha Soami Satsang Beas Sant Baljit Singh Sant Kirpal Singh Sant Thakar Singh Shiv Dayal Singh Surat Shabda Yoga Techniques of Knowledge Prem Rawat Chakra Ajna / Mind's eye / Third eye Anahata Bindu Manipura Muladhara Sahasrara Subud, or Susila Budhi Dharma Swadhisthana Vishuddha Kundalini energy Planes of existence Tantra The Urantia Book Yoga Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism Theravada Vajrayana (Tibetan Buddhism) Zen Hinduism Bhakti yoga Jnana Yoga Karma yoga List of sutras Śruti Smriti Tantra Upanishads Vedanta Yoga I Ching Sikhism The Sikh Gurus Guru Granth Sahib Sikh religious philosophy List of Sikhism-related topics Taoism Lao Zi Dao De Jing Taiji Universal Dialectic Yin Yang The Urantia Book "Inner path", as a spiritual or religious concept, is referred to in: Spiritual paths Involution (Meher Baba) Eckankar Salik Burhaniya Gilgul Nizari Sulook Involution (esoterism) Ordre Reaux Croix Universal Life Surat Shabd Yoga or Sant Mat Left-hand path and right-hand path Black art Black magic Necromancy Satanism Baphomet Church of Satan Luciferianism Philosophical Satanism Satan Satanic panic Satanic ritual abuse Anton LaVey Vampire Temple of Set Aleister Crowley Magick Chaos magic Eliphas Levi Enochian magic Goetia Grimoire Necronomicon Hoodoo Magic Occultism Pentagram Quareia Ritual magic Santería Seid The Book of Thoth Thelema Vodou Martial arts List of martial arts List of martial arts weapons Neijia Baguazhang Xingyiquan T'ai chi ch'uan Age of Aquarius New Age List of New Age topics Qigong Helena Blavatsky Edgar Cayce Evelyn Underhill G.
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