COM-480: Data visualizationUnderstanding why and how to present complex data interactively in an effective manner has become a crucial skill for any data scientist. In this course, you will learn how to design, judge, build and
COM-512: Networks out of controlThe goal of this class is to acquire mathematical tools and engineering insight about networks whose structure is random, as well as learning and control techniques applicable to such network data.
CS-522: Principles of computer systemsThis advanced graduate course teaches the key design principles underlying successful computer and communication systems, and shows how to solve real problems with ideas, techniques, and algorithms fr
PHYS-743: Parallel programmingLearn the concepts, tools and API's that are needed to debug, test, optimize and parallelize a scientific application on a cluster from an existing code or from scratch. Both OpenMP (shared memory) an
ME-427: Networked control systemsThis course offers an introduction to control systems using communication networks for interfacing sensors, actuators, controllers, and processes. Challenges due to network non-idealities and opportun
ME-213: Programmation pour ingénieurMettre en pratique les bases de la programmation vues au semestre précédent. Développer un logiciel structuré. Méthode de debug d'un logiciel. Introduction à la programmation scientifique. Introductio
AR-219: Advanced CAO and Integrated Modeling DIM1ère année: bases nécessaires à la représentation informatique 2D (3D).
Passage d'un à plusieurs logiciels: compétence de choisir les outils adéquats en 2D et en 3D.
Mise en relation des outils de CAO
COM-208: Computer networksThis course provides an introduction to computer networks. It describes the principles that underly modern network operation and illustrates them using the Internet as an example.
COM-407: TCP/IP networkingIn the lectures you will learn and understand the main ideas that underlie and the way communication networks are built and run. In the labs you will exercise practical configurations.