EE-342: Systèmes de télécommunicationsMaîtriser les notions de base d¿un système de transmission de l¿information et identifier les critères déterminants pour la planification d¿un système de télécommunication.
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MICRO-428: MetrologyThe course deals with the concept of measuring in different domains, particularly in the electrical, optical, and microscale domains. The course will end with a perspective on quantum measurements, wh
DH-406: Machine learning for DHThis course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
EE-594: Smart sensors for IoTThis lecture provides insights in the design and technologies of Internet-of-Things sensor nodes, with focus on low power technologies. The lectures alternate every two weeks between sensing technolog
EE-543: Advanced wireless receiversStudents extend their knowledge on wireless communication systems to spread-spectrum communication and to multi-antenna systems. They also learn about the basic information theoretic concepts, about c