Relationship (archaeology)An archaeological relationship is the position in space and by implication, in time, of an object or context with respect to another. This is determined, not by linear measurement but by determining the sequence of their deposition – which arrived before the other. The key to this is stratigraphy. Archaeological material would, to a very large extent, have been called rubbish when it was left on the site. It tends to accumulate in events. A gardener swept a pile of soil into a corner, laid a gravel path or planted a bush in a hole.
Phase (archaeology)In archaeology, a phase refers to the logical reduction of contexts recorded during excavation to nearly contemporary archaeological horizons that represent a distinct "phase" of previous land use. These often but not always will be a representation of a former land surface or occupation level and all associated features that were created into or from this point in time. A simplified description of phase would be that "a phase is a view of a given archaeological site as it would have been at time X".
Single context recordingSingle context recording was initially developed by Ed Harris and Patrick Ottaway in 1976, from a suggestion by Laurence Keen. It was further developed by the Department of Urban Archaeology (Museum of London) from where it was then exported, in the mid-1980s by Pete Clarke to the Scottish Urban Archaeological Trust and Nick Pearson to the York Archaeological Trust. It has become a popular system of recording and planning being used in many countries in Europe and in Lebanon, it is especially suited to the complexities of deep, typically urban, archaeology.
DatationLa datation est l'attribution d'une date. Ce terme peut donc s’appliquer à un événement ou à un objet : document, fossile, couche géologique ou encore niveau archéologique. Il désigne globalement la démarche, scientifique ou non, qui consiste à déterminer le temps absolu de cet événement ou de cet objet, et par voie de conséquence l’intervalle de temps relatif séparant l’élément daté du temps du chercheur ou plus généralement du locuteur.
FouilleEn archéologie et en paléontologie, la fouille est l'acte de rechercher des vestiges enfouis, qu'il s'agisse de constructions, d’objets ou de traces de l’activité humaine passée, et de procéder à leur mise au jour par enlèvement des matériaux et sédiments qui les recouvrent. Une technique précise doit être employée afin de tirer toutes les informations possibles des sols et structures fouillés. Une attention toute particulière est portée à la localisation exacte des objets découverts, à l'étude de la succession des différentes couches de terrain déblayés afin de pouvoir procéder à une étude stratigraphique.
Datation absoluevignette|Anneaux de croissance d'un arbre. En dendrochronologie ils sont utilisés pour obtenir des datations de pièces de bois à l’année près en les comptant et en analysant leur morphologie. Une datation absolue est une datation aboutissant à un résultat chiffré, exprimé en années. Elle peut concerner un événement, un objet, une couche géologique ou un niveau archéologique. Ce type de datation vient en opposition ou complément à une datation relative. On exprime un âge, soit par rapport à l'an 0 de notre ère, soit par rapport à l'année 1950.
Plan (archaeology)In archaeological excavation, a plan is a drawn record of features and artifacts in the horizontal plane. Archaeological plan can either take the form of a "multi context" plan, which is drawn with many contexts on it to show relationships between these features as part of some phase, or alternatively a single context plan with a single feature is drawn . Excavated features are drawn in three dimensions with the help of drawing conventions such as hachures. Single context planning developed by the Museum of London has become the professional norm.
Cut (archaeology)In archaeology and archaeological stratification, a cut or truncation is a context that represents a moment in time when other archaeological deposits were removed for the creation of some feature, such as a ditch or pit. In layman's terms, a cut can be thought of as a hole that was dug in the past, though cut also applies to other parts of the archaeological record such as horizontal truncations like terraced ground. A cut context is sometimes referred to as a "negative context", as opposed to a "positive context".
Archaeological recordThe archaeological record is the body of physical (not written) evidence about the past. It is one of the core concepts in archaeology, the academic discipline concerned with documenting and interpreting the archaeological record. Archaeological theory is used to interpret the archaeological record for a better understanding of human cultures. The archaeological record can consist of the earliest ancient findings as well as contemporary artifacts. Human activity has had a large impact on the archaeological record.
Fill (archaeology)In archaeology a fill is the material that has accumulated or has been deposited into a cut feature such as ditch or pit of some kind of a later date than the feature itself. Fills are an important part of the archaeological record as their formation and composition can throw light on many aspects of archaeological study. A primary fill is the context that first appears in the sequence after the context representing the cut it "fills".