BIO-311: NeuroscienceThe course starts with fundamentals of electrical - and chemical signaling in neurons. Students then learn how neurons in the brain receive and process sensory information, and how other neurons contr
NX-414: Brain-like computation and intelligenceRecent advances in machine learning have contributed to the emergence of powerful models of animal perception and behavior. In this course we will compare the behavior and underlying mechanisms in the
CIVIL-402: GeomechanicsThe course covers engineering applications and challenges in geomechanics, including stress-strain behavior of geomaterials in variousconditions, triaxial testing,and constitutive frameworks for elast
MSE-101(a): Materials:from chemistry to propertiesCe cours permet l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimique en liaison avec les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, électri