CS-522: Principles of computer systemsThis advanced graduate course teaches the key design principles underlying successful computer and communication systems, and shows how to solve real problems with ideas, techniques, and algorithms fr
EE-202(b): Electronics IDécouvrir le monde de l'électronique depuis les lois fondamentales des composants discrets linéaires et non linéaires. Les circuits obtenus avec des assemblages de composants nécessitent de nombreuses
MSE-421: Statistical mechanicsThis course presents an introduction to statistical mechanics geared towards materials scientists. The concepts of macroscopic thermodynamics will be related to a microscopic picture and a statistical
CS-411: Digital educationThis course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies: do student actually l
EE-588: Advanced lab in electrical energy systemsThe purpose of this teaching lab is to put together all the concepts learned during the course into electrical energy by the implementation of an islanded production unit. The number of places is limi
MICRO-470: Scaling laws in micro & nanosystemsThis class adresses scaling laws in MEMS/NEMS. The dominant physical effects and scaling effects when downsizing sensors and actuators in microsystems are discussed, across a broad range of actuation
ME-443: Hydroacoustic for hydropower plantsIntroduction to pressure wave propagation phenomena in hydraulic circuits, water hammer calculations, transient behaviour of hydroelectric plants, 1D numerical simulation of the dynamic behaviour of F