This course teaches how to apply exploratory spatial data analysis to health information. Teaching focuses on the role of GIS and spatial statistics in spatial epidemiology. It proposes a context to i
"Microbiology for engineers" covers the main microbial processes that take place in the environment and in treatment systems. It presents elemental cycles that are catalyzed by microorganisms and that
Inland waters are now being recognized are major players of global biogeochemical cycles. They also provide essential ecosystem services such as fresh water and fish, and link continental processes wi
This course will cover the fundamental principles governing life and the living world. Topics will include the diversity of living organisms, cellular biology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. This c
The course will provide the ecological systems knowledge needed to question applied sustainability solutions. We will
critically assess the complexity of current environmental issues, illustrating bas
The students will learn the fundamentals in ecology with the goal to perceive the environment beyond its physical and chemical characteristics. Starting from basic concepts, they will acquire mechanis
The TW offers an educational framework to accelerate the ecological transition of the built realm. It aims to deepen the knowledge on the built environment and its sustainable development, create/tran
The Transition Workshop1_ Theory Masterclass is the first theoretical part of a complete interdisciplinary and intensive training on the pathways for decarbonizing and resilient cities and regions, en
RHONEscape aims at realizing the necessary interdisciplinary educational background of the problematics affecting highly-corrected large rivers, by examining riverine ecological, hydrological and morp
L'objectif général de ce cours est de permettre aux étudiant-e-s:
de saisir les questions environnementales en tant que questions éthiques;
de clarifier le point de vue à partir duquel apparaît leur