Home construction or residential construction is the process of constructing a house, apartment building, or similar residential building generally referred to as a 'home' when giving consideration to the people who might now or someday reside there. Beginning with simple pre-historic shelters, home construction techniques have evolved to produce the vast multitude of living accommodations available today. Different levels of wealth and power have warranted various sizes, luxuries, and even defenses in a "home". Environmental considerations and cultural influences have created an immensely diverse collection of architectural styles, creating a wide array of possible structures for homes.
The cost of housing and access to it is often controlled by the modern realty trade, which frequently has a certain level of market force speculation. The level of economic activity in the home-construction section is reported as housing starts, though this is contrarily denominated in terms of distinct habitation units, rather than distinct construction efforts. 'Housing' is also the chosen term in the related concepts of housing tenure, affordable housing, and housing unit (aka dwelling). Four of the primary trades involved in home construction are carpenters, masons, electricians and plumbers, but there are many others as well.
Global access to homes is not consistent around the world, with many economies not providing adequate support for the right to housing. Sustainable Development Goal 11 includes a goal to create "Adequate, safe, and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums". Based on current and expected global population growth, UN habitat projects needing 96,000 new dwelling units built each day to meet global demands. An important part of housing construction to meet this global demand, is upgrading and retrofitting existing buildings to provide adequate housing.
While homes may have originated in pre-history, there are many notable stages through which cultures pass to reach the current level of modernization.
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Un document technique unifié (DTU) est un document applicable aux marchés de travaux de bâtiment en France. Il est établi par la « Commission Générale de Normalisation du Bâtiment/DTU » dont le Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment assure le secrétariat. Un DTU peut se composer des documents suivants : Le cahier des clauses techniques (CCT) qui définit les conditions à respecter dans le choix et la mise en œuvre des matériaux ; Le cahier des clauses spéciales (CCS) qui accompagne le CCT et définit les limites des prestations et obligations envers les autres corps de métier ; Les règles de calcul pour le dimensionnement des ouvrages.
vignette|upright|Les grues sont essentielles pour des travaux importants tels que les gratte-ciel. La construction est le fait d'assembler différents éléments d'un édifice en utilisant des matériaux et des techniques appropriées. Le secteur économique de la construction, appelé « bâtiment et travaux publics » (BTP) dans une partie de l'Europe francophone, regroupe toutes les activités de conception et de construction des bâtiments publics et privés, industriels ou non, et des infrastructures telles que les routes ou les canalisations.
Nowadays, the energy efficiency of the existing building stock is internationally accepted as a topical issue. Energy retrofitting is encouraged, improving the thermal performances of buildings, but often altering the historical image of our cities. Attent ...
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This paper introduces a computational framework that fosters collaboration between architects, engineers, and contractors by bridging the gap between architectural design, structural analysis, and digital construction. The present research is oriented towa ...
This paper concerns the planning, design, and construction history of a postwar multifamily housing block in Ankara, Turkey, viewed from the perspective of the transnational and local networks behind its realization. Built by the Mintrak Building Cooperati ...