This list of motion picture film formats catalogues formats developed for shooting or viewing motion pictures, ranging from the Chronophotographe format from 1888, to mid-20th century formats such as the 1953 CinemaScope format, to more recent formats such as the 1992 IMAX HD format. To be included in this list, the formats must all have been used in the field or for test shooting, and they must all use photochemical images that are formed or projected on a film base, a transparent substrate which supports the photosensitive emulsion. As well, the formats must have been used to make more than just a few test frames. The camera must be fast enough (in frames per second) to create an illusion of motion consistent with the persistence of vision phenomenon. The format must be significantly unique from other listed formats in regard to its image capture or image projection. The format characteristics should be clearly definable in several listed parameters (e. g., film gauge, aspect ratio, etc.). Format is the name of the process; some formats may have multiple names in common usage. Creator is the individual or company most directly attributable as the developer of the system. Year created usually refers to the earliest date that the system was used to completion (i.e. projection), but may refer to when it was developed if no known film was made. First known film is the first film (not including tests) made with the format and intended for release. Negative gauge is the film gauge (width) used for the original camera negative. Negative aspect ratio is the determined by the ratio of the gate dimensions multiplied by the anamorphic power of the camera lenses (1× in the case of spherical lenses). Gate dimensions are the width and height of the camera gate aperture, and by extension the film negative frame. Negative pulldown describes the film perforations per frame, the direction of film transport, and standard frame speed. Film transport is assumed to be vertical unless otherwise noted, and standard frame speed is assumed to be 24 frames per second unless the film is otherwise noted or has no standard.
César Pulgarin, Sami Rtimi, Stefanos Giannakis