PHYS-745: Spin DynamicsThe course is conceived in the perspective of understanding the fundamentals of spintronics. This implies learning about magnetism at the quantum mechanical level, mechanisms for spin relaxation and
PHYS-419: Solid state physics IIIThe aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory of a few remarkable phenomena of modern condensed matter physics ranging from the quantum Hall effects to superconductivity.
PHYS-407: Frontiers in nanosciencesThe students understand the relevant experimental and theoretical concepts of nanoscale science. The course covers basic concepts like quantum size effects and their characterization techniques, and h
PHYS-491: Magnetism in materialsThe lectures will provide an introduction to magnetism in materials, covering fundamentals of spin and orbital degrees of freedom, interactions between moments and some typical ordering patterns. Sele
MSE-231: Ceramics, structures and properties + TPStudents analyze crystal structures, point defects and phase relations in ceramic materials and understand their effect on electrical, thermal and electromechanical properties. Properties of ceramic m