ME-465: Advanced heat transferThe course will deepen the fundamentals of heat transfer. Particular focus will be put on radiative and convective heat transfer, and computational approaches to solve complex, coupled heat transfer p
ME-341: Heat and mass transferThis course covers fundamentals of heat transfer and applications to practical problems. Emphasis will be on developing a physical and analytical understanding of conductive, convective, and radiative
MSE-209: Transfer phenomena in materials scienceCe cours porte sur le transfert de la chaleur par conduction, convection et rayonnement, ainsi que sur la diffusion à l'état solide. D'après les règles phénoménologiques (Equations de Fourrier et Fick
ME-451: Advanced energeticsMethods for the rational use and conversion of energy in industrial processes : how to analyse the energy usage, calculate the heat recovery by pinch analysis, define heat exchanger network, integrate
ME-251: Thermodynamics and energetics IThe course introduces the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer, and thermodynamic properties of matter and their calculation. The students will master the concepts of heat, mass, and mom
PHYS-105: Advanced physics II (thermodynamics)Ce cours présente la thermodynamique en tant que théorie permettant une description d'un grand nombre de phénomènes importants en physique, chimie et ingéniere, et d'effets de transport. Une introduc
PHYS-106(a): General physics : thermodynamicsLe but du cours de Physique générale est de donner à l'étudiant les notions de base nécessaires à la compréhension des phénomènes physiques. L'objectif est atteint lorsque l'étudiant est capable de pr
ChE-201: Introduction to chemical engineeringIntroduction to Chemical Engineering is an introductory course that provides a basic overview of the chemical engineering field. It addresses the formulation and solution of material and energy balanc