CS-423: Distributed information systemsThis course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.
CS-119(k): Information, Computation, CommunicationD'une part, le cours aborde: (1) la notion d'algorithme et de représentation de l'information, (2) l'échantillonnage d'un signal et la compression de données et (3) des aspects
liés aux systèmes: ordi
EE-554: Automatic speech processingThe goal of this course is to provide the students with the main formalisms, models and algorithms required for the implementation of advanced speech processing applications (involving, among others,
DH-405: Foundations of digital humanitiesThis course gives an introduction to the fundamental concepts and methods of the Digital Humanities, both from a theoretical and applied point of view. The course introduces the Digital Humanities cir
DH-406: Machine learning for DHThis course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple