Shear strengthIn engineering, shear strength is the strength of a material or component against the type of yield or structural failure when the material or component fails in shear. A shear load is a force that tends to produce a sliding failure on a material along a plane that is parallel to the direction of the force. When a paper is cut with scissors, the paper fails in shear. In structural and mechanical engineering, the shear strength of a component is important for designing the dimensions and materials to be used for the manufacture or construction of the component (e.
Limit state designLimit State Design (LSD), also known as Load And Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), refers to a design method used in structural engineering. A limit state is a condition of a structure beyond which it no longer fulfills the relevant design criteria. The condition may refer to a degree of loading or other actions on the structure, while the criteria refer to structural integrity, fitness for use, durability or other design requirements.
Specific strengthThe specific strength is a material's (or muscle's) strength (force per unit area at failure) divided by its density. It is also known as the strength-to-weight ratio or strength/weight ratio or strength-to-mass ratio. In fiber or textile applications, tenacity is the usual measure of specific strength. The SI unit for specific strength is Pa⋅m3/kg, or N⋅m/kg, which is dimensionally equivalent to m2/s2, though the latter form is rarely used.
Flèche (résistance des matériaux)En résistance des matériaux, la flèche est usuellement la valeur maximale du déplacement d'une poutre. En l'absence d'effort normal important, la déformée d'une poutre est liée au moment fléchissant par la relation où est la dérivée seconde de la déformée, est le module d'élasticité (module de Young) du matériau, et le moment quadratique (inertie) de la section de la poutre. Pour obtenir l'équation de la déformée, on intègre deux fois en déterminant les constantes d'intégration à l'aide des conditions aux limites.
Deep foundationA deep foundation is a type of foundation that transfers building loads to the earth farther down from the surface than a shallow foundation does to a subsurface layer or a range of depths. A pile or piling is a vertical structural element of a deep foundation, driven or drilled deep into the ground at the building site. There are many reasons that a geotechnical engineer would recommend a deep foundation over a shallow foundation, such as for a skyscraper.
Fibre de basalteLa fibre de basalte est un matériau fait à partir de fibres extrêmement fines de basalte. Elle est composée de minéraux comme le plagioclase, le pyroxène et l'olivine. Elle est similaire à la fibre de carbone et la fibre de verre mais possède de meilleures propriétés physico-mécaniques que la fibre de verre, elle est aussi moins chère que la fibre de carbone. La fibre de basalte est utilisée comme matériau résistant au feu dans l'industrie spatiale et automobile.
Bending momentIn solid mechanics, a bending moment is the reaction induced in a structural element when an external force or moment is applied to the element, causing the element to bend. The most common or simplest structural element subjected to bending moments is the beam. The diagram shows a beam which is simply supported (free to rotate and therefore lacking bending moments) at both ends; the ends can only react to the shear loads. Other beams can have both ends fixed (known as encastre beam); therefore each end support has both bending moments and shear reaction loads.
Mur porteurthumb|Maison en cours de construction avec des murs porteurs sur chaque face Un mur porteur est, en architecture, un mur destiné à supporter la charpente (comme un pignon) et la structure des planchers d'un bâtiment. Lorsque ce type de mur se trouve au sein même d'une construction, il est appelé « mur de refend ». Selon les époques de construction, un porteur peut être constitué de bottes de paille, de briques (pleines ou creuses), de blocs de béton, de plâtre avec un colombage en bois ou de béton armé.
Corrosion engineeringCorrosion engineering is an engineering specialty that applies scientific, technical, engineering skills, and knowledge of natural laws and physical resources to design and implement materials, structures, devices, systems, and procedures to manage corrosion. From a holistic perspective, corrosion is the phenomenon of metals returning to the state they are found in nature. The driving force that causes metals to corrode is a consequence of their temporary existence in metallic form.
Gros œuvreLe gros œuvre est l'ensemble des éléments de construction d'un édifice qui lui assure la reprise de tous les efforts subis, soit en permanence (le poids propre de l'édifice), soit temporairement, de manière variable (vent, neige, séisme, tassement du sol) ou même, éventuellement, accidentelle (chocs, incendie). Le gros œuvre rassemble tout ce qui concourt à la solidité, à la stabilité de l'édifice : fondations, murs porteurs, poteaux, poutres, planchers entre les étages, etc.