Below-the-line (filmmaking)"Below-the-line" is a term derived from the top sheet of a film budget for motion pictures, television programs, industrial films, independent films, student films and documentaries as well as commercials. The "line" in "below-the-line" refers to the separation of production costs between script and story writers, producers, directors, actors, and casting ("above the-line") and the rest of the crew, or production team.
VidéographieVideography is the process of capturing moving s on electronic media (e.g., videotape, direct to disk recording, or solid state storage) and even streaming media. The term includes methods of video production and post-production. It used to be considered the video equivalent of cinematography (moving images recorded on film stock), but the advent of digital video recording in the late 20th century blurred the distinction between the two, as in both methods the intermediary mechanism became the same.
Analyse de filmLa théorie du cinéma ou l'analyse de film (ou analyse filmique) ou (vieilli) la filmologie est un ensemble très varié de méthodes de recherche sur la signification, l'esthétique, la structure, la technique voire l'intérêt sociologique ou historique d'un objet filmique. La méthode d'analyse varie suivant le film. L'exercice proprement dit figure au programme de nombreux examens (BTS audiovisuel, licence de cinéma) ou concours d'écoles de cinéma publiques (Fémis, ENSLL, ESAV, INSAS) ou privées, françaises ou étrangères.