Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). March — Jorge Luis Borges returns to his birthplace, Buenos Aires in Argentina, after a period living with his family in Europe. August 3 — Russian poet Nikolay Gumilyov's fate is sealed when he is arrested in the Soviet Union by the Cheka on charges of being a monarchist; on August 24 the Petrograd Cheka decrees execution of all 61 participants of the "Tagantsev Conspiracy", including Gumilyov. The exact dates and locations of their executions and burials are still unknown. He had divorced Russian poet Anna Akhmatova in 1918. Autumn–Winter — T. S. Eliot works on The Waste Land in Margate and Lausanne. December 31 — Mexican poet Manuel Maples Arce distributes the first Stridentist manifesto, Comprimido estridentista, in the broadsheet Actual n°1 (Mexico City). Mrs. C. A. Dawson-Scott founds PEN, an international Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists, in London with John Galsworthy, who becomes the organisation's first President; first members include Joseph Conrad, George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells Arthur Bourinot, Poems. Toronto: T.H. Best. Wilson MacDonald, The Miracle Songs Of Jesus. Toronto: W. MacDonald. Sri Aurobindo, Love and Death, long poem about the triumph of love over death, concerning the Ruru-Priyumvada legend (somewhat like the Greek Orpheus-Eurydice and the Indian Satvitri-Satyavan myths) Toru Dutt, Life and Letters of Toru Dutt, London, Milford: Oxford University Press, Indian poet, writing in English, published in the United Kingdom Maneck B. Pithawalla, A Wedding Feast, Karachi: M. B. Pithawalla* Poets of John Company, Calcutta: Tahcker, Spink and Co., 134 pages; anthology K. S. R. Sastry, The Epic of Indian Womanhood, Madras: Imperial Trading Co. Puran Singh, The Sisters of the Spinning Wheel and Other Sikh Poems, London: Dent Nanikram Vasanmal Thadani, Ashoka and Other Poems, Delhi: self-published Nancy Cunard, Outlaws Walter de la Mare, The Veil, and Other Poems Toru Dutt, Life and Letters of Toru Dutt, London, Milford: Oxford University Press, Indian poet, writing in English, published in the United Kingdom T.