Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). April – The dictatorship in Portugal falls; in the six months prior, with increasing repression and a discouraging atmosphere, little new work has been published; yet later in the year, not much new poetry is published either as "writers who had based their style on censor-proof allusiveness and their themes on protest would now have to do some retooling". July 23 – The dictatorial Greek junta falls; start of the Metapolitefsi: exiled poets, authors and intellectuals return to the country to publish there. October 4 – While Ann Sexton is having lunch with her friend, fellow poet and collaborator Maxine Kumin to review Sexton's most recent book, The Awful Rowing Toward God, without a note or any warning, Sexton goes into her garage, starts the ignition of her car and dies of carbon monoxide poisoning. The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics is founded by Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman. Listed by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately: Robert Gray, Creekwater Journal Australia Les Murray, Lunch and Counter Lunch, Australia George Bowering, In the Flesh Matt Cohen, Peach Melba A.M. Klein, The Collected Poems of A.M. Klein.Toronto; New York: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Patrick Lane, Beware the Months of Fire Irving Layton, The Pole-Vaulter. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. Irving Layton, Seventy-five Greek Poems, 1951-1974. Athens: Hermias Publications. Dennis Lee, Not Abstract Harmonies But. Vancouver: Kanchenjunga Press Gwendolyn MacEwen, Magic Animals: Selected Poems Old and New. Toronto: Macmillan. Jay Macpherson, Welcoming Disaster: Poems, 1970-74. Toronto: Saannes Publications. P. K. Page, Poems Selected and New, selected and edited by Margaret Atwood Joe Rosenblatt, Blind Photographer. Press Porcepic. Raymond Souster, Change-Up: New Poems. Ottawa: Oberon Press. Raymond Souster and Douglas Lochhead, eds.