In this course we will study the cell (minimum unit of life) and its components. We will study several key cellular features: Membranes, genomes, channels and receptors. We will apply the laws of phys
Understand and use the results and methods of population genetics, population dynamics, network theory, and reaction network dynamics to analyze and predict the behavior of living systems
This course covers various data analysis approaches associated with applications of DNA sequencing technologies, from genome sequencing to quantifying gene evolution, gene expression, transcription fa
This advanced Bachelor/Master level course will cover fundamentals and approaches at the interface of biology, chemistry, engineering and computer science for diverse fields of synthetic biology. This
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Le but du cours est de fournir un aperçu général de la biologie des cellules et des organismes. Nous en discuterons dans le contexte de la vie des cellules et des organismes, en mettant l'accent sur l
High-throughput methodologies broadly called Omics allow to characterize the complexity and dynamics of any biological system. This course will provide a general description of different methods relat
The students are exposed to experimental and analytical approaches specific to single cell biology, with an emphasis on quantitative aspects.
Cultivated animal cells are important hosts for the production of recombinant proteins for biochemical and structural studies and for use as therapeutics. The course will provide an overview of the me
The goal of this course is to learn to analyze a scientific paper critically, question if the data support the conclusions, and produce constructive referee reports in written or oral form. The papers