Ali Asghar Mosleh Fasaei (born 1962) (Persian: علیاصغر مصلح فسایی) is an Iranian philosopher and professor of philosophy at Allameh Tabataba'i University. He is known for his expertise on philosophy of culture. Mosleh holds the presidency of The Iranian Society of Intercultural Philosophy (ISIPH) and Research Institute for Contemporary Culture at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. He was the Dean of ATU's Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages (PLFL), and Acting-Dean of ATU's Faculty of Theology and Islamic Knowledge (2015-2017). He is associate member of the Iranian Academy of Science. (2023)
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2020) Truth and power(Vol. 1)", Tehran: Nashre Ney
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2018) the Other; A Research on Intercultural Thought and the Ethics of Dialogue. Tehran: Elmi Publication
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2008) The Origin of Intercultural Insight and Philosophy
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2008) The Philosophies of Existence, Tehran: publishing organization for Institute of Islamic culture and Thought
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2013) Quest and Dialogue: Essays on Culture. Tehran: Elmi Publication
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2009) Frankfurt School's critical theory and a critique of modern culture
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2013) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Tehran: Elmi Publication
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2014) Allameh Tabatabais “Edrakate Eetebari” and Philosophy of Culture, Tehran: Ruzegare No Publication Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2014) Tajrobeh Vahed (Single Experience), Tehran: Institute for humanities and cultural studies (IHCS) and Elmi Publication Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2015) Philosophy of Culture, Tehran: Elmi Publication Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2016), The Question concerning the truth of Man: A Comparative Study in Ibn al-Arabi
s and Heidegger`s Thought, Tehran: Taha Publication
Mosleh, Ali Asghar (2011) A Discussion about the Future of Islamic Wisdom
Die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Vernunft und Geschichte bei Hegel und Rumi, Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1) doi:10.1515/hgjb-2014-0159
Mosleh, Ali Asghar, and Abbas Jong (2021) Iran and COVID-19: Institutional Configurations.