A biogenic substance is a product made by or of life forms. While the term originally was specific to metabolite compounds that had toxic effects on other organisms, it has developed to encompass any constituents, secretions, and metabolites of plants or animals. In context of molecular biology, biogenic substances are referred to as biomolecules. They are generally isolated and measured through the use of chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques. Additionally, the transformation and exchange of biogenic substances can by modelled in the environment, particularly their transport in waterways. The observation and measurement of biogenic substances is notably important in the fields of geology and biochemistry. A large proportion of isoprenoids and fatty acids in geological sediments are derived from plants and chlorophyll, and can be found in samples extending back to the Precambrian. These biogenic substances are capable of withstanding the diagenesis process in sediment, but may also be transformed into other materials. This makes them useful as biomarkers for geologists to verify the age, origin and degradation processes of different rocks. Biogenic substances have been studied as part of marine biochemistry since the 1960s, which has involved investigating their production, transport, and transformation in the water, and how they may be used in industrial applications. A large fraction of biogenic compounds in the marine environment are produced by micro and macro algae, including cyanobacteria. Due to their antimicrobial properties they are currently the subject of research in both industrial projects, such as for anti-fouling paints, or in medicine. During a meeting of the New York Academy of Sciences' Section of Geology and Mineralogy in 1903, geologist Amadeus William Grabau proposed a new rock classification system in his paper 'Discussion of and Suggestions Regarding a New Classification of Rocks'. Within the primary subdivision of "Endogenetic rocks" – rocks formed through chemical processes – was a category termed "Biogenic rocks", which was used synonymously with "Organic rocks".
Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Liliana Angeles Martinez
Julia Schmale, Imad El Haddad, Houssni Lamkaddam, Pragati Rai
Julia Schmale, Ivo Fabio Beck, Benjamin Jérémy Laurent Heutte, Jakob Boyd Pernov, Hélène Paule Angot, Margarida Teles Nogueira Rolo