Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). August 12 — Night of the Murdered Poets, the execution of thirteen Soviet Jews in the Lubyanka Prison in Moscow, Soviet Union, including several poets. November — The Group British poetry movement of the 1950s and 1960s begins at Downing College, University of Cambridge: Philip Hobsbaum along with two friends – Tony Davis and Neil Morris – dissatisfied with the way poetry has been read aloud in the university, decides to place a notice in the undergraduate newspaper Varsity for people interested in forming a poetry discussion group. Five others, including Peter Redgrove, come along to the first meeting. The group meets once a week during term; it moves to London in 1955. E. E. Cummings is appointed to a Charles Eliot Norton Professorship at Harvard. Contact, a mimeographed poetry magazine, founded by Ramond Souster (ceases publication in 1954); Contact Press, an important publisher of Canadian poetry, is also founded (closes in 1967). Lines Review, a Scottish poetry magazine, is founded by Callum Macdonald in Edinburgh. Listed by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately: Alfred Bailey, Border River Earle Birney, Trial of a City and Other Verse. Toronto: Ryerson. Louis Dudek, Raymond Souster and Irving Layton. Cerberus. Toronto: Contact Press, 1952. Louis Dudek, The Searching Image. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1952. Louis Dudek, Twenty-Four Poems. Toronto: Contact Press, 1952. Wilson MacDonald, The Lyric Year. Toronto: Ryerson. Jay Macpherson, Nineteen Poems E. J. Pratt, Towards the Last Spike, Toronto: Macmillan. Governor General's Award 1952. Sri Aurobindo, Last Poems ( Poetry in English ), mostly philosophical, mystical poetry; Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, posthumously published (died 1950), posthumously published (died 1950) Dilip Kumar Roy, Sri Aurobindo Came to Me, Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Themis, Poems ( Poetry in English ), 74 mystical lyrics, from the Aurobindoean school; Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram G.