Karen ScrivenerDe nationalité anglaise, Karen Scrivener est née en 1958. Au cours de sa carrière, ses travaux et sa recherche traitaient des domaines suivants: Identification du développement microstucturale pendant l'hydratation du ciment. Elaboration d'une approche multitechnique pour étudier la microstucture des ciments et bétons, avec accent sur la quantification par analyse des images d'électrons retrodiffusés. Caractérisation de l'auréole de transition de la pâte de ciment autour des granulats. Compréhension des processus de dégardation des bétons, en particulier le gonflement lié à la formation de l'éttringite retardée dans les bétons étuvés.
Eugen Brühwilerbirth date: 19.11.1958 nationality: Swiss (native from Dussnang, Canton of Thurgau) Education : - July 1988 : doctoral degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland with a thesis entitled Fracture mechanics of dam concrete subjected to quasi-static and seismic loading conditions - December 1983 : civil engineering diploma (university degree) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland Professional Experience : - Since 1st April 1995 : Professor of Structural Engineering at EPFL and Head of the Laboratory of Maintenance, Construction and Safety for Civil Structures (MCS) (often considered being the first chair worldwide devoted exclusively to existing civil structures). - 1991-94 Project Manager and structural engineer with the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), Division of Bridges and Structures, Zurich: Monitoring and maintenance of bridges and structures, Project manager and checking engineer for the construction of new bridges and rehabilitation of existing bridges. - 1989/90 Research associate at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA : Fracture mechanics of concrete and fracture of concrete dams. - 1986-88 Doctoral student at EPFL-LMC (Building Materials, Prof. Wittmann) : Fracture mechanics of concrete, fracture of concrete dams under seismic loading - 1984/85 Research engineer at EPFL-ICOM (Steel Structures, Prof. Badoux and Prof. Hirt) : Fatigue behaviour and fracture mechanics of riveted bridges
Emmanuel DenariéEmmanuel Denarié is a civil engineer, with a PhD in Materials Science. He worked for 3 years in a civil engineering company where he was in charge of the design of structures and the maintenance of bridges. He has 30 years’ experience on research and applications in the field of building materials, advanced concretes, and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures. He is since 2000 senior scientist and lecturer in the Laboratory for Maintenance and Safety of structures, at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), in charge of research and development activities on the application of concretes and advanced cementitious materials to the improvement of existing and new structures. In 2013, under the lead of Emmanuel Denarié, in cooperation with CEREMA, Subdivision des Phares et Balises from Lorient, and Lafarge, a turret at sea (Le Cabon, Brittany, France) was reinforced by a cast on site 60 mm thick UHPFRC shell. The strain hardening mix was developed jointly with Lafarge. This successful application in extreme conditions of access and restraint of the substrate (thin ring geometry) opened the way to large-scale industrial applications of UHPFRC for the reinforcement of existing structures.
Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1983
B.S., Chemistry, cum laude, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1978
Dean, Faculty of Basic Sciences, EPFL, 2004-present
Head, Department of Chemistry, EPFL, 1997-2004
Professor of Chemistry, EPFL, 1994-present
Professor of Chemistry, University of Rochester, 1993-1994
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Rochester, 1986-1992
Research Associate, The James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, 1984-1986
Lothar HelmLothar Helm was born in Gernsbach (Germany) in 1952. He studied physics at the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) and obtained his diploma degree in 1977. He remained in Karlsruhe for his Ph.D. research with Prof. H. G. Hertz and received his degree in physical chemistry in 1980. In 1980 he joined the laboratories of Prof. André Merbach at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. From 1983 to 2001 he was maître denseignement et de recherche at the Faculty of Science of the University of Lausanne. In 2001 he moved, together with the whole chemistry department, from the University of Lausanne to the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2006 he is adjunct professor at the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering at EPFL and director of the NMR services of the institute.
From 2007 to 2011 he was director of the "Conférence du corps Enseignant" at EPFL. Since 2011 he is member of the School Assembly of EPFL (AE).
Physico-chemical studies of contrast agents for medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Study of reactivity and reaction mechanisms in coordination chemistry by variable temperature and pressure nuclear magnetic resonance
Computer simulation of solvent dynamics on cations and metal complexes in solution
Professional course
Philippe GilletPhilippe GILLET est entré à lEcole normale supérieure de la rue dUlm (Paris) pour y mener des études en sciences de la Terre. En 1983, il obtient un PhD en géophysique à luniversité de Paris VII et rejoint luniversité de Rennes I comme assistant. En 1988, titulaire dun doctorat dEtat, il devient professeur dans cette même université et la quitte en 1992 pour rejoindre Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon.
La formation des chaînes de montagnes, et des Alpes en particuliers, est lobjet de la première partie de sa carrière scientifique. En parallèle, il développe des techniques expérimentales (cellules à enclumes de diamants)qui permettent de simuler en laboratoire les conditions de pression et de température qui règnent au sein des planètes. Lobjectif de ces expériences est de comprendre de quels matériaux sont constituées les profondeurs inatteignables des planètes du système solaire.
En 1997, il commence à travailler sur la matière extraterrestre. Il participe à la description de météorites venant de Mars, de la Lune ou de planètes aujourdhui disparues et explique comment celles-ci ont été expulsées de leur planète dorigine par des chocs titanesques avant darriver sur Terre. Il a aussi participé au programme STARDUST de la NASA et contribué à lidentification de grains de comète ramenés sur Terre après avoir été capturés au voisinage de la comète Wild-II. Ces grains représentent les premiers minéraux de notre système solaire, formés il y a plus de 4,5 milliards dannées. Il a aussi travaillé sur les sujets suivants :
interactions entre bacteries et minéraux;
amorphisation sous pression;
techniques expérimentales: cellule à enclumes de diamant, spectroscopie Raman,diffraction des RX sur source synchrotron, microscopie électronique.
Philippe Gillet a aussi une activité de management de la science et de lenseignement. Il a ainsi dirigé lInstitut National des Sciences de lUnivers du CNRS (France), présidé le synchrotron français SOLEIL, lAgence Nationale de la Recherche française(2007) et lEcole normale supérieure de Lyon. Avant de rejoindre lEPFL il a été le directeur de cabinet du Ministre français de la Recherche et de lEnseignement Supérieur.
Quelques publications :
Ferroir, T., L. Dubrovinsky, A. El Goresy, A. Simionovici, T. Nakamura, and P. Gillet (2010), Carbon polymorphism in shocked meteorites: Evidence for new natural ultrahard phases, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290(1-2), 150-154
Barrat J.A., Bohn M., Gillet Ph., Yamaguchi A. (2009) Evidence for K-rich terranes on Vesta from impact spherules. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 44, 359374.
Brownlee D, Tsou P, Aleon J, et al. (2006) Comet 81P/Wild 2 under a microscope. Science, 314, 1711-1716.
Beck P., Gillet Ph., El Goresy A., and Mostefaoui S. (2005) Timescales of shock processes in chondrites and Martian meteorites. Nature 435, 1071-1074.
Blase X., Gillet Ph., San Miguel A. and Mélinon P. (2004) Exceptional ideal strength of carbon clathrates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 215505-215509.
Gillet Ph. (2002) Application of vibrational spectroscopy to geology. In Handbook of vibrational spectroscopy, Vol. 4 (ed. J. M. Chalmers and P. R. Griffiths), pp. 1-23. John Wiley & Sons.
Gillet Ph., Chen C., Dubrovinsky L., and El Goresy A. (2000) Natural NaAlSi3O8 -hollandite in the shocked Sixiangkou meteorite. Science 287, 1633-1636.