Self is an object-oriented programming language based on the concept of prototypes. Self began as a dialect of Smalltalk, being dynamically typed and using just-in-time compilation (JIT) as well as the prototype-based approach to objects: it was first used as an experimental test system for language design in the 1980s and 1990s. In 2006, Self was still being developed as part of the Klein project, which was a Self virtual machine written fully in Self. The latest version is 2017.1 released in May 2017.
Several just-in-time compilation techniques were pioneered and improved in Self research as they were required to allow a very high level object oriented language to perform at up to half the speed of optimized C. Much of the development of Self took place at Sun Microsystems, and the techniques they developed were later deployed for Java's HotSpot virtual machine.
At one point a version of Smalltalk was implemented in Self. Because it was able to use the JIT, this also gave extremely good performance.
Self was designed mostly by David Ungar and Randall Smith in 1986 while working at Xerox PARC. Their objective was to push forward the state of the art in object-oriented programming language research, once Smalltalk-80 was released by the labs and began to be taken seriously by the industry. They moved to Stanford University and continued work on the language, building the first working Self compiler in 1987. At that point, focus changed to attempting to bring up an entire system for Self, as opposed to just the language.
The first public release was in 1990, and the next year the team moved to Sun Microsystems where they continued work on the language. Several new releases followed until falling largely dormant in 1995 with the 4.0 version. The 4.3 version was released in 2006 and ran on Mac OS X and Solaris. A new release in 2010, version 4.4, has been developed by a group comprising some of the original team and independent programmers and is available for Mac OS X and Linux, as are all following versions.
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La programmation orientée objet (POO), ou programmation par objet, est un paradigme de programmation informatique. Elle consiste en la définition et l'interaction de briques logicielles appelées objets ; un objet représente un concept, une idée ou toute entité du monde physique, comme une voiture, une personne ou encore une page d'un livre. Il possède une structure interne et un comportement, et il sait interagir avec ses pairs.
La programmation orientée prototype est une forme de programmation orientée objet sans classe, fondée sur la notion de prototype. Un prototype est un objet à partir duquel on crée de nouveaux objets. Dans le langage de programmation orientée prototype Self, les propriétés d'un objet, qu'elles renvoient à des attributs ou à des méthodes, sont appelés slots ; il n'y a pas la même distinction entre les slots de données et les slots de code qu'on a avec les classes.
Objective-C est un langage de programmation orienté objet réflexif. C'est une extension du C ANSI, comme le C++, mais qui se distingue de ce dernier par sa distribution dynamique des messages, son typage faible ou fort, son typage dynamique et son chargement dynamique. Contrairement au C++, il ne permet pas l'héritage multiple mais il existe toutefois des moyens de combiner les avantages de C++ et d'Objective-C.
Explore l'analyse des grammaires générales à l'aide de l'algorithme CYK et de Chomsky Normal Form.
Explore la communication sans fil industrielle, les protocoles de communication, le modèle OSI, les topologies de réseau sans fil et les systèmes d'exécution de fabrication.
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