
Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts

The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts (PGSA) was one of the Pennsylvania Governor's Schools of Excellence, a group of five-week summer academies for gifted high school students in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The school was hosted each summer first by Bucknell University, then by Mercyhurst College. PGSA was defunded by Pennsylvania's 2009–2010 state budget. Overview Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts was established earliest among eight such Governor's schools. Like other Pennsylvania Governor's Schools of Excellence, PGSA operated on a state-funded, scholarship basis. Upon its inception in 1973 under Milton Shapp, PGSA was hosted at Bucknell University in Lewisburg under the direction of Arthur Gatty, who led the program until 1988. It was seen as an early leader in such programs, and among the first in the country. By 1985, the school drew 225 students from 2,000 applicants. In 1990, the program was relocated to Mercyhurst
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