The Faboideae are a subfamily of the flowering plant family Fabaceae or Leguminosae. An acceptable alternative name for the subfamily is Papilionoideae, or Papilionaceae when this group of plants is treated as a family.
This subfamily is widely distributed, and members are adapted to a wide variety of environments. Faboideae may be trees, shrubs, or herbaceous plants. Members include the pea, the sweet pea, the laburnum, and other legumes. The pea-shaped flowers are characteristic of the Faboideae subfamily and root nodulation is very common.
The type genus, Faba, is a synonym of Vicia, and is listed here as Vicia.
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The tribe Baphieae is one of the subdivisions of the plant family Fabaceae. The Baphieae tribe arose 55.3 ± 0.4 million years ago (in the early Eocene). The Baphieae tribe has been circumscribed to include the following genera, which used to be placed in tribes Sophoreae and Swartzieae: Airyantha Brummitt Baphia Afzel. ex Lodd. et al. Baphiastrum Harms Baphiopsis Benth. ex Baker Bowringia Champ. ex Benth. Dalhousiea Wall. ex Benth. Leucomphalos Benth. ex Planch. This clade does not currently have a node-based, phylogenetic definition.
vignette|Schéma simplifié représentant l'interaction mutualiste entre la plante et les bactéries symbiotiques () dans les . vignette|Nodosités sur racines de soja. Les nodosités ou nodules sont des modifications des poils absorbants des racines, que certaines plantes développent pour améliorer leur nutrition d'azote sous l'action de certaines bactéries. Ces bactériocécidies se forment, sous l'action de bactéries symbiotiques fixatrices de l'azote atmosphérique, essentiellement sur les racines de nombreuses espèces de plantes (Fabacées appelées aussi Légumineuses, Ulmacées, Bétulacées, Casuarinacées, Eleagnacées, Myricacées, Rosacées, etc.
The tribe Dalbergieae is an early-branching clade within the flowering plant subfamily Faboideae (or Papilionaceae). Within that subfamily, it belongs to an unranked clade called the dalbergioids. It was recently revised to include many genera formerly placed in tribes Adesmieae and Aeschynomeneae and to be included in a monophyletic group informally known as the dalbergioids sensu lato. The members of this tribe have a distinctive root nodule morphology, often referred to as an "aeschynomenoid" or "dalbergioid" nodule.