
List of topologies

The following is a list of named topologies or topological spaces, many of which are counterexamples in topology and related branches of mathematics. This is not a list of properties that a topology or topological space might possess; for that, see List of general topology topics and Topological property. Discrete topology − All subsets are open. Indiscrete topology, chaotic topology, or Trivial topology − Only the empty set and its complement are open. Cardinality and Ordinal number Cocountable topology Given a topological space the on is the topology having as a subbasis the union of τ and the family of all subsets of whose complements in are countable. Cofinite topology Double-pointed cofinite topology Ordinal number topology Pseudo-arc Ran space Tychonoff plank Discrete two-point space − The simplest example of a totally disconnected discrete space. Either–or topology Finite topological space Pseudocircle − A finite topological space on 4 elements that fails to satisfy any separation axiom besides T0. However, from the viewpoint of algebraic topology, it has the remarkable property that it is indistinguishable from the circle Sierpiński space, also called the connected two-point set − A 2-point set with the particular point topology Arens–Fort space − A Hausdorff, regular, normal space that is not first-countable or compact. It has an element (i.e. ) for which there is no sequence in that converges to but there is a sequence in such that is a cluster point of Arithmetic progression topologies The Baire space − with the product topology, where denotes the natural numbers endowed with the discrete topology. It is the space of all sequences of natural numbers. Divisor topology Partition topology Deleted integer topology Odd–even topology List of fractals by Hausdorff dimension and Fractal Apollonian gasket Cantor set − A subset of the closed interval with remarkable properties.
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