Reservoir simulation is an area of reservoir engineering in which computer models are used to predict the flow of fluids (typically, oil, water, and gas) through porous media.
The creation of models of oil fields and the implementation of calculations of field development on their basis is one of the main areas of activity of engineers and oil researchers. On the basis of geological and physical information about the properties of an oil, gas or gas condensate field, consideration of the capabilities of the systems and technologies for its development create quantitative ideas about the development of the field as a whole. A system of interrelated quantitative ideas about the development of a field is a model of its development, which consists of a reservoir model and a model of a field development process. Layer models and processes for extracting oil and gas from them are always clothed in a mathematical form, i.e. characterized by certain mathematical relationships. The main task of the engineer engaged in the calculation of the development of an oil field is to draw up a calculation model based on individual concepts derived from a geological-geophysical study of the field, as well as hydrodynamic studies of wells. Generally speaking, any combination of reservoir models and development process can be used in an oil field development model, as long as this combination most accurately reflects reservoir properties and processes. At the same time, the choice of a particular reservoir model may entail taking into account any additional features of the process model and vice versa.
The reservoir model should be distinguished from its design scheme, which takes into account only the geometric shape of the reservoir. For example, a reservoir model may be a stratified heterogeneous reservoir. In the design scheme, the reservoir with the same model of it can be represented as a reservoir of a circular shape, a rectilinear reservoir, etc.
Traditional finite difference simulators dominate both theoretical and practical work in reservoir simulation.
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Le cours est une introduction à la théorie des valeurs extrêmes et son utilisation pour la gestion des risques hydrologiques (essentiellement crues). Une ouverture plus large sur la gestion des danger
In the oil and gas industry, reservoir modeling involves the construction of a computer model of a petroleum reservoir, for the purposes of improving estimation of reserves and making decisions regarding the development of the field, predicting future production, placing additional wells and evaluating alternative reservoir management scenarios. A reservoir model represents the physical space of the reservoir by an array of discrete cells, delineated by a grid which may be regular or irregular.
L'étude des gisements est une branche de l'ingénierie pétrolière qui applique les principes scientifiques pour les problèmes de drainage survenant durant le développement et la production des gisements de pétrole et de gaz de façon à obtenir une forte rentabilité économique. L'étude des gisements fait appel à la géologie souterraine ou de subsurface, la géophysique avec les données pétrophysique ,les mathématiques appliquées, et les lois fondamentales de la physique et de la chimie qui régissent le comportement des phases liquides et vapeurs du pétrole brut, du gaz naturel, et de l'eau dans la roche réservoir.
thumb|Étudiants en génie pétrolier en stage sur une plate-forme pétrolière. Le génie pétrolier est une branche de l’ingénierie consacrée à la production des hydrocarbures, que ce soit à partir du pétrole brut ou du gaz naturel. Le travail de forage et de pompage proprement dit constitue la branche « amont » des industries gazière et pétrolière : il s'agit de la recherche et de l'extraction des hydrocarbures. Le raffinage et la distribution constituent, eux, la branche « aval ».
Ion transport through biological and solid-state nanochannels is known to be a highly noisy process. The power spectrum of current fluctuations is empirically known to scale like the inverse of frequency, following the long-standing yet poorly understood H ...
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This work presents a study of two-phase flow generated inside a rock-flow cell setup. It is characterized by a pipe section filled with fluid (oil in our studies) that is put into oscillation around its mass centre by an electric motor. This type of appara ...
Porous rocks have long been the focus of intense research driven by their importance in our society as host to our most essential resources (oil, gas, water, geothermal energy, etc), yet their rheology remains poorly understood. With increasing depth, poro ...