
Tatyana Andropova

Tatyana Andropova (née: Lebedeva; 1917–1991) was a Soviet woman who was the second wife of Soviet leader, Yuri Andropov. Biography Lebedeva was born in 1917. She graduated from a pedagogical school and joined the Komsomol activities where she was appointed to the Komsomol in Karelia in 1940. The same year Tatyana met her future husband at the Komsomol work in Petrozavodsk where she was the secretary of the Zaretsk district committee. At that time Yuri Andropov was serving as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the Karelo-Finnish SSR. Andropov's wife and two children did not move to the region with him when he was appointed the post. Following his contact with Tatyana Yuri Andropov divorced his first wife. Tatyana and Yuri married in Summer 1941 and had two children, Igor and Irina. Igor was born shortly before their marriage which was harmonious. In 195
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