
Sophie Chang (philanthropist)

Sophie Chang (; born 1944) is a Taiwanese philanthropist, author and painter. She is chairperson of the TSMC Charity Foundation, chairperson of the Weiyi Social Welfare Charity Foundation, director of the Dunan Foundation and director of the Modern Women's Foundation. Chang met with the Dalai Lama in 2007, and has shaped her work according to his teachings. Philanthropy Chang is the chair of the TSMC Charity Foundation. She has been the president of the TSMC Volunteer Society in 2004. Chang has personally responded to natural disasters and emergencies through her role with TSMC, leading the foundation and TSMC employee volunteers in the support of underserved women, children, and seniors as well as education and environmental protection. Her work also focuses on energy conservation and technical and vocational education. In 2021, Chang established three solar power stations for the Ruifu Education Center in Tainan in colla
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