Louis Boisgibault (born June 30, 1962) is a French higher education director, corporate director, professor, researcher and author known for his publications on energy transition in the EMEA Region. He works as director of development and cooperations, full-time faculty member, at North American Private University in Sfax, Tunisia. Boisgibault was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine. He graduated in 1984 with a master's degree in economics and management from Université Paris-Dauphine. He received a MBA from HEC Paris in 1990 with an exchange program at the Wharton School. In September 2016, he defended successfully a PhD thesis at Sorbonne Université in geography. After eight years at BNP-Paribas in Paris and Amsterdam, Boisgibault worked for Electricité de France and Engie Group in Paris and London, as executive director and Board member for energy projects. In 2006, he co-founded and led VALMERE, a consulting firm specialized in energy transition. He started to lecture in graduate schools and enrolled for PhD. After several part-time positions as Senior Lecturer and contractual Professor, he was appointed in March 2022 as Director of Development and Cooperations and full-time faculty member at North American Private University in Sfax, Tunisia. Energy Transition in Metropolises, Rural Areas and Deserts. With Fahad Al Kabbani and foreword by Jean Girardon. Wiley, pp.246, 2020, Energy series, 9781786304995. Transition énergétique dans les métropoles, la ruralité et le désert. Avec Dr Fahad Al Kabbani et préface de Prof. Dr. Jean Girardon. ISTE editions, pp.236, 2019, collection énergie, 9781784056025. L'énergie solaire après Fukushima, la nouvelle. With foreword by Prof. Dr. Patrice Geoffron. Medicilline, pp.154, 2011, Clés de l'énergie, 9782915220377. Energies. Géographie des mers et des océans, Sous la direction de Prof. Dr. Raymond Woessner. Atlande, 2014, 9782350302751. Carbon Constraint in the Mediterranean: Differentiated Impacts and Policies for Carbon Reduction in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, Report IPEMED, with Morgan Mozas, 54p, September 2012 Etre executive director à Londres.