Terminal illness or end-stage disease is a disease that cannot be cured or adequately treated and is expected to result in the death of the patient. This term is more commonly used for progressive diseases such as cancer, dementia or advanced heart disease than for injury. In popular use, it indicates a disease that will progress until death with near absolute certainty, regardless of treatment. A patient who has such an illness may be referred to as a terminal patient, terminally ill or simply as being terminal. There is no standardized life expectancy for a patient to be considered terminal, although it is generally months or less. Life expectancy for terminal patients is a rough estimate given by the physician based on previous data and does not always reflect true longevity. An illness which is lifelong but not fatal is a chronic condition. Terminal patients have options for disease management after diagnosis. Examples include caregiving, continued treatment, palliative and hospice care, and physician-assisted suicide. Decisions regarding management are made by the patient and their family, although medical professionals may offer recommendations of services available to terminal patients. Lifestyle after diagnosis varies depending on management decisions and the nature of the disease, and there may be restrictions depending on the condition of the patient. Terminal patients may experience depression or anxiety associated with impending death, and family and caregivers may struggle with psychological burdens. Psychotherapeutic interventions may alleviate some of these burdens, and is often incorporated into palliative care. Because terminal patients are aware of their impending deaths, they have time to prepare for care, such as advance directives and living wills, which have been shown to improve end-of-life care. While death cannot be avoided, patients can strive to die a death seen as good. End-of-life care By definition, there is not a cure or adequate treatment for terminal illnesses.
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Cours associés (3)
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Publications associées (27)
Concepts associés (11)
Fin de vie
End-of-life care refers to health care provided in the time leading up to a person's death. End-of-life care can be provided in the hours, days, or months before a person dies and encompasses care and support for a person's mental and emotional needs, physical comfort, spiritual needs, and practical tasks. EoLC is most commonly provided at home, in the hospital, or in a long-term care facility with care being provided by family members, nurses, social workers, physicians, and other support staff.
Traitement (médecine)
En médecine, un traitement, appelé aussi traitement médical, traitement thérapeutique, thérapie ou plus généralement thérapeutique, est un ensemble de mesures appliquées par un professionnel de la santé à une personne vis-à-vis d'une maladie, afin de l'aider à en guérir, de soulager ses symptômes, ou encore d'en prévenir l'apparition. Lorsque ce professionnel décide de ne pas médicaliser une situation qu'il juge ne pas relever de traitement, il s'agit d'abstention thérapeutique (non-initiation d'un traitement ou interruption du traitement appelée retrait ou congé thérapeutique).
À l'origine, euthanasie (du grec ancien : : , « bonne », , « mort ») désigne le fait d'avoir une mort douce, qu'elle soit naturelle ou provoquée. Dans une acception plus contemporaine et plus restreinte, l'euthanasie est décrite comme une pratique (action ou omission) visant à provoquer le décès d'un individu atteint d'une maladie incurable qui lui inflige des souffrances morales ou physiques intolérables. Sa pratique relevant à la fois des domaines philosophiques, bioéthiques et légaux, son contenu exact et son acceptation sont générateurs de puissantes controverses, divisions et débats d'idées.
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