Philippe RenaudPhilippe Renaud is Professor at the Microsystem Laboratory (LMIS4) at EPFL. He is also the scientific director of the EPFL Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMI). His main research area is related to micronano technologies in biomedical applications (BioMEMS) with emphasis on cell-chips, nanofluidics and bioelectronics. Ph. Renaud is invloved in many scientifics papers in his research area. He received his diploma in physics from the University of Neuchâtel (1983) and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Lausanne (1988). He was postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Berkeley (1988-89) and then at the IBM Zürich Research Laboratory in Switzerland (1990-91). In 1992, he joined the Sensors and Actuators group of the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) at Neuchâtel, Switzerland. He was appointed assistant professor at EPFL in 1994 and full professor in 1997. In summer 1996, he was visiting professor at the Tohoku University, Japan. Ph. Renaud is active in several scientific committee (scientific journals, international conferences, scientific advisory boards of companies, PhD thesis committee). He is also co-founder of the Nanotech-Montreux conference. Ph. Renaud is committed to valorization of basic research through his involvement in several high-tech start-up companies.
Jürgen BruggerI am a Professor of Microengineering and co-affiliated to Materials Science. Before joining EPFL I was at the MESA Research Institute of Nanotechnology at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, and at the Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, in Tokyo, Japan. I received a Master in Physical-Electronics and a PhD degree from Neuchâtel University, Switzerland. Research in my laboratory focuses on various aspects of MEMS and Nanotechnology. My group contributes to the field at the fundamental level as well as in technological development, as demonstrated by the start-ups that spun off from the lab. In our research, key competences are in micro/nanofabrication, additive micro-manufacturing, new materials for MEMS, increasingly for wearable and biomedical applications. Together with my students and colleagues we published over 200 peer-refereed papers and I had the pleasure to supervise over 25 PhD students. Former students and postdocs have been successful in receiving awards and starting their own scientific careers. I am honoured for the appointment in 2016 as Fellow of the IEEE “For contributions to micro and nano manufacturing technology”. In 2017 my lab was awarded an ERC AdvG in the field of advanced micro-manufacturing.
Mark PaulyMark Pauly is a full professor at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL. Prior to joining EPFL, he was assistant professor at the CS department of ETH Zurich since April 2005. From August 2003 to March 2005 he was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University, where he also held a position as visiting assistant professor during the summer of 2005. He received his Ph.D. degree (with distinction) in 2003 from ETH Zurich and his M.S. degree (with highest honors) in 1999 from TU Kaiserslautern. His research interests include computer graphics and animation, shape modeling and analysis, geometry processing, architectural geometry, and digital fabrication. He received the ETH medal for outstanding dissertation, was awarded the Eurographics Young Researcher Award in 2006 and the Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award in 2016.
Anton SchleissProf. Dr. Anton J. Schleiss graduated in Civil Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1978. After joining the Laboratory of Hydraulic, Hydrology and Glaciology at ETH as a research associate and senior assistant, he obtained a Doctorate of Technical Sciences on the topic of pressure tunnel design in 1986. After that he worked for 11 years for Electrowatt Engineering Ltd. (now Pöyry) in Zurich and was involved in the design of many hydropower projects around the world as an expert on hydraulic engineering and underground waterways. Until 1996 he was Head of the Hydraulic Structures Section in the Hydropower Department at Electrowatt. In 1997, he was nominated full professor and became Director of the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH) in the Civil Engineering Department of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). The LCH activities comprise education, research and services in the field of both fundamental and applied hydraulics and design of hydraulic structures and schemes. The research focuses on the interaction between water, sediment-rock, air and hydraulic structures as well as associated environmental issues and involves both numerical and physical modeling of water infrastructures. In May 2018, he became Honorary Professor at EPFL. More than 50 PhD and Postdoc research projects have been carried out under his guidance. From 1999 to 2009 he was Director of the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Water Resources Management and Hydraulic Engineering held in Lausanne in collaboration with ETH Zurich and the universities of Innsbruck (Austria), Munich (Germany), Grenoble (France) and Liège (Belgium). From 2006 to 2012 he was the Head of the Civil Engineering program of EPFL and chairman of the Swiss Committee on Dams (SwissCOLD). In 2006, he obtained the ASCE Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Price as well as the J. C. Stevens Award. He was listed in 2011 among the 20 international personalities that “have made the biggest difference to the sector Water Power & Dam Construction over the last 10 years”. Between 2014 and 2017 he was Council member of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and he was chair of the Europe Regional Division of IAHR until 2016. For his outstanding contributions to advance the art and science of hydraulic structures engineering he obtained in 2015 the ASCE-EWRI Hydraulic Structures Medal. The French Hydro Society (SHF) awarded him with the Grand Prix SHF 2018. After having served as vice-president between 2012 and 2015 he was president of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) from 2015 to 2018. On behalf of ICOLD he his the coordinator of the EU Horizon 2020 project "Hydropower Europe". With more than 40 years of experience he is regularly involved as a consultant and expert in large water infrastructures projects including hydropower and dams all over the world. Awards (besides those mentioned above): ASCE-Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Outstanding Reviewer Recognition 2013 ASCE-EWRI-Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 2014 Best Technical Note
Marilyne AndersenMarilyne Andersen est professeure ordinaire en technologies durables de la construction et dirige le Laboratoire Performance Intégrée au Design (LIPID) qu'elle a fondé en automne 2010. Elle a été Doyenne de la Faculté de l'Environnement Naturel, Architectural et Construit (ENAC) de l'EPFL de 2013 à 2018 et est la Directrice Académique du Smart Living Lab à Fribourg. Elle co-dirige également le Student Kreativity and Innovation Laboratory (SKIL) à l'ENAC.Avant de rejoindre l'EPFL, elle était professeure assistante puis associée (tenure-track) dans le Building Technology Group du MIT, au sein du Département d'Architecture, où elle a fondé et dirigé le MIT Daylighting Lab depuis 2004. Elle a aussi été professeure invitée à la Singapore University of Technology and Design en 2019. Marilyne Andersen détient un Master ès sciences en physique et s'est spécialisée dans l'éclairage naturel durant sa thèse dans la physique du bâtiment à l'EPFL au Laboratoire d'énergie solaire et de physique du bâtiment (LESO) ainsi qu'en tant que chercheuse invitée au Building Technologies Department du Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory en Californie. Ses recherches se situent à l'interface entre sciences, ingénierie et architecture avec une attention spécifique sur l'impact de la lumière naturelle sur les occupants d'un bâtiment. Avec un focus sur les questions de confort, de perception et de santé et leurs implications énergétiques, ces efforts de recherche visent à une intégration plus profonde de la performance lumineuse et du confort intérieur dans le processus de conception, grâce à de nouvelles synergies avec d'autres domaines scientifiques, comme la chronobiologie et les neurosciences ainsi que la psychophysique ou l'informatique et l'imagerie digitale. Elle s'appuie sur ces recherches pour les étendre à la pratique architecturale à travers la startup OCULIGHT dynamics qu'elle a co-fondée, et qui offre des services spécialisés en éclairage naturel avec un accent particulier sur les effets psycho-physiologiques de la lumière naturelle sur les occupants d'un bâtiment. Elle est l'auteure de plus de 200 articles référés publiés dans des revues scientifiques et lors de conférences internationales, ainsi que la lauréate de plusieurs bourses et prix dont: le Daylight Award for Research (2016), onze prix et distinctions pour ses publications (2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021) dont le Taylor Technical Talent Award 2009 décerné par la Illuminating Engineering Society, le 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award (2009), le Mitsui Career Development Professorship au MIT (2008) et le prix EPFL de la Fondation Chorafas en durabilité attribué pour sa thèse (2005). Ses travaux de recherche ou d'enseignement ont été soutenus par des organisations professionnelles, institutionnelles et industrielles tels que les Fonds National pour la Recherche Scientifique (en Suisse et aux USA), la fondation Velux, le programme Européen Horizon 2020, la Boston Society of Architects, la MIT Energy Initiative et InnoSuisse. Elle a été la directrice et responsable académique de l'équipe suisse et son projet NeighborHub, qui a gagné la compétition U.S. Solar Decathlon 2017 avec 8 podiums sur 10 épreuves. Elle est membre du Conseil de la Fondation LafargeHolcim pour la construction durable et dirige son Comité Académique. Elle est également membre du conseil éditorial de la revue scientifique Building and Environment chez Elsevier ainsi que des revues LEUKOS (de la Illuminating Engineering Society) et Buildings and Cities chez Taylor et Francis. Elle est Experte pour le Conseil d'Innovation InnoSuisse ainsi que membre fondatrice et membre du Conseil de la Fondation Culture du Bâti (CUB). Elle est aussi membre fondatrice de la Daylight Academy et membre active de plusieurs comités de l'Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) et de la Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE).
Nico de RooijNico de Rooij is Professor Emeritus of EPFL and previous Vice-President of CSEM SA. He was Professor of Microengineering at EPFL and Head of the Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Laboratory (
) from 2009 to 2016. At
he was responsible for the EPFL CSEM coordination from 2012 to 2016. His research activities include the design, micro fabrication and application of miniaturized silicon based sensors, actuators, and microsystems. He authored and coauthored over 400 published
journal papers
in these areas.
He was Professor at the University of Neuchatel and Head of the Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Laboratory (SAMLAB) from 1982 to 2008. Since October 1990 till October 1996 and again from October 2002 until June 2008, he has been the director of the Institute of Microtechnology of the University of Neuchatel (IMT UniNE). He lectured at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), and since 1989, he has been a part-time professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). He has been appointed Vice-President of the CSEM SA in February 2008 and headed the newly created Microsystems Technology Division of CSEM SA, from 2008 until 2012. He was Director of EPFL's Institute of Microengineering (EPFL STI IMT) from 2009 to 2012, following the transfer of IMT Uni-NE to EPFL.
Dr. de Rooij is a Fellow of the IEEE and Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK). He recieved the IEEE
Jun-Ichi Nishizawa Gold Medal
, the Schlumberger Prize as well as the
MNE Fellow Award 2016
. He was awarded a Visiting Investigatorship Program (VIP) in MEMS/NEMS Systems by the
A*STAR Science and Engineering Council (SERC)
, Singapore, hosted by
, for the period 2005-2008.
Prof. de Rooij is Corresponding Member of the
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
and Individual Member of the
Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
He has been serving on the Editorial Boards of the
IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (IEEE JMEMS)
the IEEE proceedings
the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, JM & M,
the Sensors and Actuators
Sensors and Materials
. He was Member of the Information and Communication technology jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards from 2009 to 2012.
Dr. de Rooij is (or was) Member of numerous international steering committees of conference series as well as
technical paper review panels including the steering committee of the International Conference on Solid-State
Sensors and Actuators and of Eurosensors. He acted as European Program Chairman of Transducers '87 and General Chairman of Transducers '89, Montreux, Switzerland.
He has supervised more than 70 Ph.D. students, who have successfully completed their
Ph.D. thesis.
He received his M.Sc. degree in physical chemistry from the State University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, in 1975, and a Ph.D. degree from Twente University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 1978. From 1978 to 1982, he worked at the Research and Development Department of Cordis Europa N.V., The Netherlands.