CS-597: Master project in CybersecurityThe student carries out an academic or industrial master's project. The student will use skills and knowledge to accomplish an independent Master in Cybersecurity
COM-598: Master project in Data scienceThe student carries out an academic or industrial master's project. The student will use the required skills and knowledge to accomplish an independent Master in Data Science.
CS-599: Master project in Computer ScienceThe student carries out an academic or industrial master's project. The student will use the required skills and knowledge to accomplish an independent Master in Computer Science.
MATH-519: Topics in high-dimensional probabilityThis is a theoretical course about probability in high dimensions. We will look at some mathematical phenomena appearing as the number of random variables grows large - e.g. concentration of measure o
AR-301(aj): Studio BA5 (Baumgartner et Camponovo)STAY A LITTLE LONGER étudie les potentialités du bâti existant. Les outils de représentation du projet de transformation -Existant/Noir, Démolition/Jaune, Nouveau/Rouge- structureront l'exploration ar
AR-401(aj): Studio MA1 (Baumgartner et Camponovo)STAY A LITTLE LONGER étudie les potentialités du bâti existant. Les outils de représentation du projet de transformation -Existant/Noir, Démolition/Jaune, Nouveau/Rouge- structureront l'exploration ar
PHYS-211: Physics lab IIbCe cours pratique permet d'acquérir la connaissance des phénomènes physiques de base ainsi que de leurs applications, d'acquérir des connaissances concernant les méthodes d'observation et de mesure ai