Jean-Louis ScartezziniDirecteur du Laboratoire d'Energie Solaire et de Physique du Bâtiment à l'EPFL (1994-présent); Fondateur & Directeur de l'Institut des Infrastructures, des Ressources et de l'Environnement à l'ENAC (2002-2009); Fondateur & Directeur du Programme Doctoral en Environnement de l'EPFL (2002-2009); Co-Directeur de l'Institut des Techniques du Bâtiment de l'EPFL (1994-1997); Professeur Associé de Physique du Bâtiment à l'EPFL (1994-1997); Professeur Associé de Physique du Bâtiment à l'Université de Genève (1990-1997); Chef de Groupe & Chercheur associé au Laboratoire d'Energie Solaire et de Physique du Bâtiment de l'EPFL (1981-1989); Chercheur associé au Groupe de Recherche en Energie Solaire de l'EPFL (1981-1989); Chercheur associé à l'Institut de Géophysique Appliquée de l'Université de Lausanne (1980-1981).
Sophie LufkinFORMATION
2010 - Thèse de doctorat au sein de l'EDAR (Ecole doctorale Architecture, Ville, Histoire) sur la densification des friches ferroviaires, co-dirigée par les Prof. Inès Lamunière et Vincent Kaufmann
2005 - "Master of Art" en architecture, sous la direction des Prof. Patrick BERGER et Inès LAMUNIERE
2003 - Année d'échange à l'ETHZ
1999 - Entrée à l'EPFL, section architecture
1998 - Maturité type B, Collège Claparède, Genève
2010 - Architecte, Cheffe de projet chez LAR - Fernando Romero, México
2006 - Assistante de recherche à lEPFL au Laboratoire darchitecture et mobilité urbaine (LAMU), projet de recherche PNR54 "Densification des friches ferroviaires"
2005 - Architecte chez Devanthéry & Lamunière, Genève
2004 - Stage darchitecture, Eric Maria, Genève
2003 - Stage darchitecture, Sumi & Burkhalter, Zurich
2001 - Stage darchitecture, Devanthéry & Lamunière, Genève
2001 - Prix SIA Vaudoise pour le projet "Fondation Ella Maillart à Chandolin"
2005 - Prix de l'Association des diplômes A3-EPFL
2008 - Bourse Erna Hamburger
Français (maternelle), allemand et anglais (courantes), portugais (notions)
Nikolaos GeroliminisProf. Nikolas Geroliminis is an Associate Professor at EPFL and the head of the Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS). Before joining EPFL he was an Assistant Professor on the faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He has a diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and a MSc and Ph.D. in civil engineering from University of California, Berkeley. He is an Associate Editor for Transportation Research part C and he also serves in the editorial board of TR, part B, Transportation Letters, Journal of ITS and of many international conferences. He is a member of the Transportation Research Board's Traffic Flow Theory Committee. His research interests focus primarily on urban transportation systems, traffic flow theory and control, public transportation and logistics, Optimization and Large Scale Networks. He is a recent recipient of the ERC Starting Grant METAFERW: Modeling and controlling traffic congestion and propagation in large-scale urban multimodal networks
Diploma, 2003, Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
M.S., 2004, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
Ph.D., 2007, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
Vincent KaufmannVincent Kaufmann is associate professor of urban sociology and mobility at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2011, he is also scientific director of the Mobile Lives Forum in Paris. After a master degree in sociology (Universtiy of Geneva) he did his Ph.D. at EPFL on rationalities underlying transport modal practices. Vincent Kaufmann has been invited lecturer at Lancaster University (2000-2001), Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris (2001-2002), Laval University, Québec (2008) Nimegen University (2010), Université de Toulouse Le Mirail (2011), Université Catholique de Louvain (2004-2018) and Tongji University in Shanghai (2018). There fields of research are: motility, mobility and urban life styles, links between social and spatial mobility, public policies of land planning and transportation. He recently published “Mobilité et libre circulation en Europe” (with Ander Audikana) Economica (2017).
Michel BierlaireBorn in 1967, Michel Bierlaire holds a PhD in Mathematical Sciences from the Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium (University of Namur). Between 1995 and 1998, he was research associate and project manager at the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Ma, USA). Between 1998 and 2006, he was a junior faculty in the Operations Research group ROSO within the Institute of Mathematics at EPFL. In 2006, he was appointed associate professor in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL, where he became the director of the Transport and Mobility laboratory. Since 2009, he is the director of TraCE, the Transportation Center. From 2009 to 2017, he was the director of Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL. In 2012, he was appointed full professor at EPFL. Since September 2017, he is the head of the Civil Engineering Institute at EPFL. His main expertise is in the design, development and applications of models and algorithms for the design, analysis and management of transportation systems. Namely, he has been active in demand modeling (discrete choice models, estimation of origin-destination matrices), operations research (scheduling, assignment, etc.) and Dynamic Traffic Management Systems. As of August 2021, he has published 136 papers in international journals, 4 books, 41 book chapters, 193 articles in conference proceedings, 182 technical reports, and has given 195 scientific seminars. His Google Scholar h-index is 68. He is the founder, organizer and lecturer of the EPFL Advanced Continuing Education Course "Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Demand and Market Shares". He is the founder of hEART: the European Association for Research in Transportation. He was the founding Editor-in-Chief of the EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, from 2011 to 2019. He is an Associate Editor of Operations Research. He is the editor of two special issues for the journal Transportation Research Part C. He has been member of the Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) of Transportation Research Part B since 1995, of Transportation Research Part C since January 1, 2006.