Matthias LütolfMatthias Lutolf is Full Professor at EPFL’s Institute of Bioengineering, with a cross appointment in the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. Lutolf was trained as a Materials Engineer at ETH Zurich where he also carried out his PhD studies (with Jeffrey Hubbell) that were awarded with an ETH medal. He continued his research training as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Stem Cell Biology (with Helen Blau) at Stanford University. He has served as the Director of the Institute of Bioengineering from 2014 to 2018. Lutolf is an internationally recognized leader in the fields of stem cell bioengineering and tissue engineering. His research program uniquely combines stem cell biology with engineering principles and quantitative thinking. His team, composed of engineers, chemists, physicists, cell and developmental biologists, strives to develop technologies that have true biological and medicinal function and applicability. Lutolf’s work has led to more than 110 peer-reviewed scientific publications, many of which published in highly reputed journals, more than 25 patents, and the commercialization of several products. Current research in the Lutolf lab is focused on the bioengineering of miniature tissues, termed organoids, that are generated from self-organizing stem cells.
Lyesse LalouiDirector, EPFL Soil Mechanics LaboratoryDirector, EPFL Civil Engineering SectionEditor in Chief, ElsevierMember of the Swiss Academy of Engineering SciencesFounding Partner, Geoeg & MeduSoilActive in academic research in the following institutions: Lausanne, EPFL, Durham, Duke University, Nanjing, Hohai UniversityProfessor Lyesse Laloui teaches at EPFL, where he directs the Soil Mechanics Laboratory as well as the Civil Engineering Section. He is a founding partner of the international engineering company Geoeg, and the start-up MeduSoil. In addition, he is an adjunct professor at Duke University, USA and an advisory professor at Hohai University, China as well as honorary director of the International Joint Research Center for Energy Geotechnics in China.He is the recipient of an Advance ERC grant for his BIO-mediated GEO-material Strengthening project. Editor in Chief of the Elsevier Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment journal, he is a leading scientist in the field of geomechanics and geo-energy. He has written and edited 13 books and published over 320 peer reviewed papers; his work is cited more than 6000 times with an h-index of 39 (Scopus). Two of his papers are among the top 1% in the academic field of Engineering. He has given keynote and invited lectures at more than 40 leading international conferences. He has received several international awards (IACMAG, RM Quigley, Roberval) and delivered honorary lectures (Vardoulakis, Minnesota; G.A. Leonards, Purdue; Kersten, Minnesota). He recently acted as the Chair of the international evaluation panel of Civil and Geological Engineering R&D Units of Portugal.Nov. 2019 For further information visit ; ; Jean-Jacques MeisterCitoyen suisse, Jean-Jacques Meister est né en 1950. Il est titulaire d'un diplôme d'ingénieur en électronique et d'un diplôme d'ingénieur physicien, obtenu en 1979 à l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Il poursuit sa formation à l'Institut des techniques biomédicales de l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zurich et obtient son doctorat ès sciences en 1983. De 1984 à 1990, il travaille dans différents domaines de la physique biomédicale. Ses principales réalisations portent sur le développement de méthodes non-invasives utiles à la prévention et au diagnostic des maladies cardio-vasculaires: caractérisation des propriétés biomécaniques des artères, hémodynamique cardio-vasculaire, échographie Doppler ultrasonore. En 1990, il est nommé professeur de physique expérimentale à l'EPFL où il dirige le Laboratoire de génie médical jusqu'en 2001, puis le laboratoire de biophysique cellulaire. Ses activités de recherche concernent principalement la biophysique cellulaire: dynamique du cytosquelette, motilité & adhésion cellulaire et dynamique du calcium dans les muscles lisses. Lors d'un congé sabbatique en 2000, il complète sa formation en biologie moléculaire et cellulaire au célèbre Marine Biological Laboratory de Woods Hole, dans le Massachusetts, USA. Il enseigne la physique générale, la mécanique générale, le génie biomédical et la biophysique aux étudiants de diverses sections de l'EPFL. Il est auteur ou coauteur de plus de 230 publications scientifiques et chapitres de livres et titulaire de 8 brevets internationaux
Dragan DamjanovicDragan Damjanovic received BSc diploma in Physics from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo, in 1980, and PhD in Ceramics Science from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) in 1987. From 1988 to 1991 he was a research associate in the Materials Research Laboratory at the PSU. He joined the Ceramics Laboratory, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne in 1991. He is currently a "professeur titulaire", heads the Group for Ferroelectrics and Functional Oxides at the Institute of Materials and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on structure and electrical properties of materials. The research activities include fundamental and applied investigations of piezoelectric, ferroelectric and dielectric properties of a broad class of materials.