Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Louis Zukofsky edits the February issue of Poetry magazine. The issue eventually will be recognized as the founding document of the Objectivist poets. It features poetry by Zukofsky, Charles Reznikoff, Carl Rakosi, George Oppen, Basil Bunting, William Carlos Williams, Kenneth Rexroth, and many others. Also in the issue: Zukofsky's essay "Sincerity and Objectification". George Oppen and his wife, Mary Oppen found To Publishers in Le Beausset, France; Louis Zukofsky is editor. Beacon magazine founded in Trinidad (lasts until 1933) Wilson MacDonald, A Flagon Of Beauty. Toronto: Pine Tree Publishing. Marjorie Pickthall, The Naiad and Five Other Poems (Toronto: Ryerson) A.R. Chida, editor, An Anthology of Indo-Anglian Verse with an Introductory Note to Each Set of Selections, Hyderabad: A. R. Chida, 113 pages; anthology; Indian poetry in English John Betjeman, Mount Zion; or, In Touch with the Infinite Laurence Binyon, Collected Poems Edmund Blunden: Themis (editor) The Poems of Wilfred Owen Robert Bridges, Shorter Poems Roy Campbell, The Georgiad, a satire openly attacking the Bloomsbury Group; a South African native published in the United Kingdom C. Day-Lewis, From Feathers to Iron Lawrence Durrell, Quaint Fragments T. S. Eliot: Coriolan Triumphal March John Gawsworth Confession: verses Fifteen Poems: Three Friends Snowballs Robert Graves, Poems 1926–1930 Aldous Huxley: The Cicadas, and Other Poems The World of Light; A comedy, a verse drama performed March 30 John Lehmann, A Garden Revisited, and Other Poems Æ, pen name of George William Russell, Vale, and Other Poems Osbert Sitwell, The Collected Satires and Poems William Soutar, Conflict Arthur Symons, Jezbel Mort, and Other Poems (sic) Humbert Wolfe, Snow Franklin P. Adams, Christopher Columbus Conrad Aiken: The Coming Forth by Day of Osris Jones Preludes for Memnon E. E. Cummings, W (ViVa) H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), Red Roses for Bronze Langston Hughes, The Negro Mother Edna St.