The book "Solid Waste Engineering - A Global Perspective" is the basis for this course. This textbook is an excellent introduction to the field of Solid Waste Engineering and gives insight into releva
This course provides the basis to understand material and energy production and consumption processes. Students learn how to develop a material flow analysis and apply it to resource management cases.
Les enjeux environnementaux doivent être abordés de façon systémique. L'Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV) et l'Analyse de Flux de Matière (AFM) sont des méthodes permettant d'évaluer de façon globale les
This course covers the essential knowledge of contaminant partitioning and techniques to monitor chemical species, physical extent of contamination and biological processes. In the second part, remedi
Construire seconde main c'est prendre l'économie circulaire comme une opportunité, pour concevoir mieux en récupérant les éléments issus de la déconstruction, à coût environnemental minimum. Cette sem
The aim of the course is to provide an overview of sustainability issues as they relate to materials science.
The first part of the course (~20%) is devoted to green chemistry and life cycle assessment.
The remainder focuses on process intensification (fundamentals, detailed description of a few selected te
This is a PhD course on recursive methods used in modern macroeconomics. Recursive
representations of macroeconomic models are useful because they are parsimonious and allow
the computer to be used to