Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). April — The Yellow Book first published (continues to 1897). June 22 — Nina Davis' first published translation from medieval Hebrew poetry into English, of Abraham ibn Ezra's The Song of Chess, appears in The Jewish Chronicle. November 8 — Robert Frost's poem "My Butterfly" is published on this date in the New York Independent, marking the first sale of his poetry. He earns $15. December 22 — Claude Debussy's symphonic poem Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, a free interpretation of Stéphane Mallarmé's 1876 poem, "L'après-midi d'un faune", is premièred in Paris. Bliss Carman, Low Tide on Grand Pré (original edition, 1983) Bliss Carman and Richard Hovey (an American), Songs from Vagabondia Frederick George Scott, My Lattice and Other Poems Arthur Stringer, Watchers of Twilight, and Other Poems Laurence Binyon, Lyric Poems Robert Browning, Asolando Bliss Carman (Canadian) and Richard Hovey (American), Songs from Vagabondia John Davidson, Ballads and Songs, including "Thirty Bob a Week" Edmund Gosse, In Russet and Silver Poems and Carols Rudyard Kipling, "McAndrew's Hymn", first published in U.S.A. Robert Fuller Murray, Robert F. Murray: His Poems with a Memoir (posthumous, edited by Andrew Lang) AE, pen name of George William Russell, Homeward Algernon Charles Swinburne, Astrophel and Other Poems Katharine Tynan, Cuckoo Songs William Watson, Odes and Other Poems Oscar Wilde, The Sphinx W.B. Yeats, Irish poet published in the United Kingdom, The Land of Heart's Desire Bliss Carman, Songs from Vagabondia, with Richard Hovey, a Canadian author published in the United States Ina Coolbrith, The Singer of the Sea Benjamin Franklin King, Jr., Ben King's Verse (posthumous; 2nd edition 1898) George Santayana, Sonnets and Other Verses John B. Tabb, Poems Henry Lawson, Short Stories in Prose and Verse, Australia Kerala Varma Valiya Koil Thampuran, Mayura Sandesam, a sandesa kavya ("message poem") written on the model of Kalidasa's Meghaduta, India, Sanskrit W.