BIO-692: Symmetry and Conservation in the CellThis course shows students how the physical principles of conservation, symmetry, and locality influence the dynamics of living organisms at the molecular and cellular level. Computer simulations are
BIOENG-399: ImmunoengineeringImmunoengineering is an emerging field where engineering principles are grounded in immunology. This course provides students a broad overview of how engineering approaches can be utilized to study im
BIO-310: ImmunologyCe cours décrit le fonctionnement du système immunitaire humain et les bases immunologiques de la vaccination, de la transplantation, de l'immunothérapie, et de l'allergie. Il présente aussi le rôle d
BIO-212: Biological chemistry IBiochemistry is a key discipline for the Life Sciences. Biological Chemistry I and II are two tightly interconnected courses that aim to describe and understand in molecular terms the processes that m
BIO-392: OncologyThis course provides a comprehensive overview of the biology of cancer, illustrating the mechanisms that cancer cells use to grow and disseminate at the expense of normal tissues and organs.
CH-411: Cellular signallingPresentation of selected signalling pathways with emphasis on both the mechanism of action of the molecules involved, molecular interactions and the role of their spatio-temporal organization within t
BIO-205: Cellular and molecular biology IThe course covers the regulation of gene expression, which translates the information contained in the genome into function, by adjusting the levels and activities of mRNAs and proteins to the needs o
BIO-321: Morphology IICe cours permet aux étudiants ayant suivi Morphologie I de réviser et d'approfondir leurs connaissances par l'étude de l'anatomie radiologique et du développement. L'origine de malformations fréquente
BIO-679: Practical - Suter LabBioluminescence imaging and data analysis Splinkerette PCR (to analyze genomic insertion site of a transgene).
The students will obtain theoretical and practical insight into embryonic stem cell biol