EE-296: Electrical systems and electronics IILes concepts de base permettant de comprendre et d'analyser les systèmes électroniques dédiés à l'acquisition et au traitement des signaux (signaux physiologique, bio-capteurs) seront abordés en théor
EE-536: Physical models for micro and nanosystemsStudents will learn simple theoretical models, the theoretical background of finite element modeling as well as its application to modeling charge, mass and heat transport in electronic, fluidic and e
EE-518: Analog circuits for biochipIntroduction to analog CMOS design for Remote Biosensors on Chip. Understanding and designing of active and remotely powered biosensing systems. Basic understanding of the wireless transmission of the
EE-511: Sensors in medical instrumentationFundamental principles and methods used for physiological signal conditioning. Electrode, optical, resistive, capacitive, inductive, and piezoelectric sensor techniques used to detect and convert phys
MICRO-330: SensorsPrincipes physiques et électronique utilisés dans les capteurs. Applications des capteurs.
EE-334: Digital systems designStudents will acquire basic knowledge about methodologies and tools for the design, optimization, and verification of custom digital systems/hardware.
They learn how to design synchronous digital cir
EE-110: Logic systems (for MT)Ce cours couvre les fondements des systèmes numériques. Sur la base d'algèbre Booléenne et de circuitscombinatoires et séquentiels incluant les machines d'états finis, les methodes d'analyse et de syn