
EE-726: Sparse stochastic processes

Cours associés (184)
COM-500: Statistical signal and data processing through applications
Building up on the basic concepts of sampling, filtering and Fourier transforms, we address stochastic modeling, spectral analysis, estimation and prediction, classification, and adaptive filtering, with an application oriented approach and hands-on numerical exercises.
EE-556: Mathematics of data: from theory to computation
This course provides an overview of key advances in continuous optimization and statistical analysis for machine learning. We review recent learning formulations and models as well as their guarantees, describe scalable solution techniques and algorithms, and illustrate the trade-offs involved.
MICRO-512: Image processing II
Study of advanced image processing; mathematical imaging. Development of image-processing software and prototyping in JAVA; application to real-world examples in industrial vision and biomedical imaging.
EE-512: Applied biomedical signal processing
The goal of this course is twofold: (1) to introduce physiological basis, signal acquisition solutions (sensors) and state-of-the-art signal processing techniques, and (2) to propose concrete examples of applications for vital sign monitoring and diagnosis purposes.
MICRO-511: Image processing I
Introduction to the basic techniques of image processing. Introduction to the development of image-processing software and to prototyping in JAVA. Application to real-world examples in industrial vision and biomedical imaging.
MICRO-452: Basics of mobile robotics
The course teaches the basics of autonomous mobile robots. Both hardware (energy, locomotion, sensors) and software (signal processing, control, localization, trajectory planning, high-level control) will be tackled. The students will apply the knowledge to program and control a real mobile robot.
MICRO-455: Applied machine learning
Real-world engineering applications must cope with a large dataset of dynamic variables, which cannot be well approximated by classical or deterministic models. This course gives an overview of methods from Machine Learning for the analysis of non-linear, highly noisy and multi dimensional data
MICRO-310(b): Signals and systems I (for SV)
Présentation des concepts et des outils de base pour l'analyse et la caractérisation des signaux, la conception de systèmes de traitement et la modélisation linéaire de systèmes pour les étudiants en sciences de la vie. Application de ces techniques au traitement et à la transmission de signaux.
DH-406: Machine learning for DH
This course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and implement methods to analyze diverse data types, such as images, music and social network data.
EE-350: Signal processing
Dans ce cours, nous présentons les méthodes de base du traitement des signaux.