ENV-425: LimnologyFocus is on lakes, rivers and reservoirs as aquatic systems. Specific is the quantitative analyse (incl. exercises) of physical, biogeochemical and sedimentological processes. The goal is to understan
PENS-219: Hidden riversHidden Rivers aims at fulfilling the need for an interdisciplinary understanding of the problematics surrounding urban streams, through ecological, hydrological, and spatial relationships found in riv
PENS-225: RhonescapeRHONEscape aims at realizing the necessary interdisciplinary educational background of the problematics affecting highly-corrected large rivers, by examining riverine ecological, hydrological and morp
ENG-474: Impact studiesPrésentation des bases des études d'impact, du contexte et des outils d'évaluation de chacun des sujets et des chapitres. Illustration par de nombreux cas réels, et par un travail de groupe. Discussio
ENV-412: Microbial ecologyThe course will focus on fundamental concepts of microbial ecology and environmental microbiology, with emphasis on bacteria and archaea, although fungi, algae, and protists will also be covered.
HUM-226: Wellbeing and Planetary BoundariesL'objectif de ce cours est de donner une compréhension globale des enjeux de la durabilité et de ses implications. Que signifie "durabilité" ? Comment est-elle mesurée ? Comment l'atteindre ?
ENV-411: Ecohydrological modelingThis course provides the theoretical basis for understanding and modeling the interactions between the hydrologic cycle, vegetation, soil, climate, and human society.
ENV-422: Applied ecologyThe course will provide the ecological systems knowledge needed to question applied sustainability solutions. We will
critically assess the complexity of current environmental issues, illustrating bas
ENV-202: Microbiology for engineers"Microbiology for engineers" covers the main microbial processes that take place in the environment and in treatment systems. It presents elemental cycles that are catalyzed by microorganisms and that