EE-566: Adaptation and learningIn this course, students learn to design and master algorithms and core concepts related to inference and learning from data and the foundations of adaptation and learning theories with applications.
MATH-131: Probability and statisticsLe cours présente les notions de base de la théorie des probabilités et de l'inférence statistique. L'accent est mis sur les concepts principaux ainsi que les méthodes les plus utilisées.
DH-406: Machine learning for DHThis course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
MGT-482: Principles of financeThe course provides a market-oriented framework for analyzing the major financial decisions made by firms. It provides an introduction to valuation techniques, investment decisions, asset valuation, f
FIN-415: Probability and stochastic calculusThis course gives an introduction to probability theory and stochastic calculus in discrete and continuous time. The fundamental notions and techniques introduced in this course have many applicatio
MATH-432: Probability theoryThe course is based on Durrett's text book
Probability: Theory and Examples.
It takes the measure theory approach to probability theory, wherein expectations are simply abstract integrals.
EE-411: Fundamentals of inference and learningThis is an introductory course in the theory of statistics, inference, and machine learning, with an emphasis on theoretical understanding & practical exercises. The course will combine, and alternat