Following an introduction of the main plasma properties, the fundamental concepts of the fluid and kinetic theory of plasmas are introduced. Applications concerning laboratory, space, and astrophysica
Introduction and application of photon based tools for chemical sciences: from basic concepts to optical and x-ray lasers
The topics covered by the course are concepts of fluid mechanics, waves, and electromagnetism.
The physics of optical communication components and their applications to communication systems will be covered. The course is intended to present the operation principles of contemporary optical comm
The goal of this course is the study of the physical and conceptual consequences of Maxwell equations.
Introduction à la physique des plasmas destinée à donner une vue globale des propriétés essentielles et uniques d'un plasma et à présenter les approches couramment utilisées pour modéliser son comport
In this course we study heat transfer (and energy conversion) from a microscopic perspective. First we focus on understanding why classical laws (i.e. Fourier Law) are what they are and what are their
Introduction à la mécanique des fluides, à l'électromagnétisme et aux phénomènes ondulatoires.
Le cours traite des concepts de l'électromagnétisme et des ondes électromagnétiques.
Introduce the students to general relativity and its classical tests.